Friday, December 16, 2011

Download a free MP3 album from Mute Records for your iPad

16 December 2011

Mute Records has been home to some of my favourite artists, including Inspiral Carpets [1] , Depeche Mode [2] and Erasure [3] .

Amazon is now offering a free sample album from Mute, which you can download and play on your computer, iPad, iPhone or other MP3 player. To buy MP3s on Amazon and add them to your iPad, you'll need to use your computer. Visit Amazon on your computer (click here to go straight to the Mute album [4] ), click the button on the right to add the song or album to your basket, and then click the basket in the top right and click Check Out to begin the buying/downloading process. Amazon has some special software you will need to install, which will download your music and add it to your iTunes library for you. When you synchronise your iPad, iPod or iPhone with your iTunes library, the music will be copied across so you can play it on your device. See iPad for the Older and Wiser [5] for advice on synchronising your computer with your iPad.

Amazon's music is in MP3 format, which means you should be able to play it on any digital music player, including the iPad.

Some of the music on the Mute sampler is quite experimental, but there are some poppy tracks too, and the price is a bargain! If you haven't tried downloading MP3s at Amazon before, it's a risk-free way to test the process too. These sample albums tend to be available for free for a limited period, so I recommend you don't delay, download today!

Labels: Amazon , Apple , iPad , iPad 2 , iPhone , iPod , music , music promotion

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  1. ^ Inspiral Carpets (
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