Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pampers iPhone app tracks your baby's growth


There are iPhone apps which monitor your child's pooping habits , so it's only natural that there are some that'll track the more pleasant aspects of raising a kid. One such app is designed by Pampers — the big name in diapers and other baby products — and it'll help you keep an eye on your precious angel's growth and development.

The app is called Hello World Baby Memories [1]  and it can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store. It's a pretty basic app, which encourages you to snap a photo of your baby each day so that you can eventually have a time-lapse video of his or her growth. 

If you want to, you can share the photos or resulting video with friends, family members, or strangers via various social media services. Just be sure to heed the stern warning that pops up the first time you open up the app:

By clicking the button below, you agree that you are the parent or legal guardian of the child depicted in the photo. As the parent or legal guardian, you acknowledge that you agree to your child's photo appearing on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on FacebookOh, and she can be found on Google+ [4] , too. [2] [3]

  1. ^ The app is called Hello World Baby Memories (itunes.apple.com)
  2. ^ Twitter (twitter.com)
  3. ^ Facebook (facebook.com)
  4. ^ Google+ (plus.google.com)

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