Monday, May 25, 2015

Crazy Tiles World iPhone App Review

| On 25, May 2015


Whether it’s a simple arcade game or a sports game â€" like most I find a game is most fun when played competitively. We’ve all had an app we introduced to friends to see if they can beat our high-scores, and today Tapscape’s featuring an app that’s perfectly suited for these kind of situations. Crazy Tiles World [1] is a reaction game developed by David Gruet [2] , and it’s completely free to download and play!

Crazy Tiles

In Crazy Tiles World it’s your job to tap all the black squares that scroll down. Together with the black squares, however, are the white squares. If you tap a white square you are game over and if you miss a black square you also lose respectively.

There is a catch â€" next to the black squares, there are also the question mark squares. You have to tap these as well but they can completely turn around the dynamic of the game. Since you never know what’s going to happen, you will have to be quick with your reflexes.

These question marks can, for instance, reverse the scrolling of the tiles or make the tiles smaller. One time you’ll have to shake your phone to continue, while another time there’s actually a black tile hidden underneath them.

Game modes

Crazy Tiles World also offers different game modes â€" you can choose arcad e mode to set an actual high-score and it features both an easy and a hard difficulty. If you’re feeling less competitive and just want to play there are also a ton of levels you can complete for another gaming experience. There are even more levels coming soon, so better get started on those levels if you want to catch up.

Tapscape’s verdict

I’ve had a ton of fun with Crazy Tiles World and played a lot of the levels before moving on to the arcade mode. In the end, I did like the arcade mode way more because you can show off your high-score to your friends.

David Gruet has done a splendid job of giving an unique spin to these kind of apps and with its fun and diverse gameplay, it really does stand good on its own. Crazy Tiles World is free to download from the app-store and is available for both iPad and iPhone. Why not check the game out and let us know what high-score you got?

Crazy Tiles World requires iOS 6.0 and is compatible with iPhone and iPad [3]

Review Overview

Gameplay and lasting appeal

With great and unique gameplay and a ton of levels to play Crazy Tiles World is a great solution to a boring day.

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