Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Guide To Backup & Storage Options For iPhone Photos

Backing up photos is an important, albeit less than exciting task that all of us mobile photographers should do. Having at least one backup of your photos will help prevent permanent loss of your images should you ever lose or damage your iPhone. It also allows you to free up space on your phone if you find that your available storage is starting to wane. In this article you’ll discover a number of options for backing up your precious iPhone photos.

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Just like with photo editing, there’s no “right” way to back up your iPhone photos. There are many different options and each of us will have a unique personal approach to organizing the storage of our photos.

Some folks may prefer an app that backs up all images automatically, while others may prefer a more manual approach. My advice is to try a few techniques and see what works best for you.

There are essentially two main options for backing up and storing your iPhone photos. One method is to back up the images to a computer or external hard drive. The other option is to back them up to cloud storage over Wi-Fi.

In this article we’re going to take a look at some of the various options available for both of these methods.

Back Up To A Computer Or External Hard Drive

First, we’ll consider options for backing up your photos locally to your computer and/or a separate external hard drive. This is a great option for easy storage and access to your photos. In addition, it typically involves no additional cost as you most likely already have the storage hardware.

There are several ways that you can transfer your iPhone photos to a computer or external drive. We’re going to take a look at three of the most popular methods.

1. iTunes Backup

The first option to consider is simply backing up your photos to your computer. If you sync/backup your iPhone with iTunes by plugging your phone into your computer, then you are likely already backing your photos up to your computer this way.

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The downside to this option is that you don’t have direct access to the individual photos. You can use the backup file to restore your entire camera roll if you buy a new iPhone or need to restore your current phone, but you can’t view or manually manage the stored photos in any way from your computer.

So it’s a good option to give you peace of mind that if you have a problem with your iPhone or you buy a new one that you can simply restore your photos, and other iPhone files and settings, to your phone. But it’s no good for when you want to view and organize your images on your computer.

2. AirDrop

If your computer is a Mac, one of the easiest ways to transfer photos from your iPhone to your computer (and vice versa) is to use the AirDrop functionality built into iOS and Mac OS.

Simply ensure that both your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on for both devices and then select the photos from your camera roll that you wish to transfer.

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Now tap the icon in the lower left corner of the screen (square with upwards arrow) to bring up the share menu. Here you will see AirDrop at the top.

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It may take a moment for your devices to sync via Bluetooth, but you will then see the names of any available devices appear in that same part of the screen.

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Just tap on the name of the device you want to copy your selected photos to and they’ll start to transfer. You’ll have to accept the transfer from the other device before it can complete, but that’s it.

3. PhotoSync App

Another similar option for copying photos to and from your computer is an app called PhotoSync [1]  which costs $2.99 from the App Store. In addition to the PhotoSync app for your iPhone, you’ll also need to download the free PhotoSync Companion app for your computer â€" you can do this via the PhotoSync website [2] .

Unlike AirDrop, which only works between iOS and Apple devices, PhotoSync is also available for Windows computers and Android devices thereby giving you even more options for sharing your photos across devices.

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PhotoSync works very much like AirDrop in that you simply select the photos you want to share (from within the PhotoSync app itself), tap the Share button (red circle in the upper-right corner), then select the destination you want to share to.

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One feature of PhotoSync which is particularly useful is that you can set a preferred device to share to and then automatically share to that device with a long press of the Share button (thereby bypassing the device selection screen).

Another advantage of PhotoSync is that if you share photos from a specific folder on your phone, it copies them to a similarly named folder on your computer, which helps to keep your photos well organized.

In addition, PhotoSync remembers which photos you’ve already copied in the past. This makes it much easier to know which photos to select when storing large quantities of photos.

If you’re not concerned with manually managing your photo storage, PhotoSync also offers an auto-backup option that can be configured in the settings to automatically sync photos in your camera roll to your computer.

Back Up To The Cloud

Cloud-based storage has become an incredibly popular way of storing your files. Cloud storage is basically a facility where your files are stored on the host’s servers, rather than on your own local computer or external hard drive. You simply transfer your files to the cloud over the internet.

Backing up your photos to the cloud not only makes great sense as a way to protect your images, but it also makes it easy to access your photos from anywhere that you have internet access.

There are many cloud-based storage solutions to choose from. Below are a just a few options to consider.

1. Dropbox

One of the most popular services for cloud backups is Dropbox. The basic (free) account offers 2GB of storage, although additional free storage can be had if you set up various linking and other options. You can also upgrade to a paid account for $9.99 per month, giving you 1TB of storage and additional sharing and management tools.

The free Dropbox app [3] for iOS is very straightforward and easy to use too. While you can set up an auto-upload of all images from your camera roll, the real power is in organizing your photos into custom folders according to your personal preferences.

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In the screenshot above, you can see that I have my images organized by year as well as having some special folders set up for specific purposes. In addition, the last folder is a shared one that I’ve set up with my friend Chris Stern (@chris_stern [4] ) that we can both post to for collaborative projects.

Within individual folders, photos are displayed with convenient thumbnail images for easily locating a specific image.

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You can also install Dropbox on your computer to make it easy to transfer files to and from your computer from your Dropbox account. You don’t have to do this though (although it can be more convenient) as you can simply log into your Dropbox account from any web browser on any device.

This is one of the best reasons to consider a cloud storage solution like Dropbox â€" easy access to your photos (and other stored files for that matter) from anywhere that you have internet access.

2. Google Drive

Similar to Dropbox is Google Drive, which functions almost exactly the same as Dropbox. You can store images as well as other files on Drive, and manage them via the free Google Drive app [5] or via any web browser.

One key advantage of Drive is that it closely integrates with the full suite of Google apps such as Google+, Google Docs and Gmail, making it easy to share files across those other services with friends and colleagues. If you’re not a heavy user of Google apps, then this may not be an issue for you.

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Like Dropbox, you can use Drive to organize your photos (and other files) into custom folders and sub-folders for a truly personal storage solution.

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One other advantage that Drive offers over Dropbox is that the basic (free) account comes with 15GB (as opposed to 2GB in Dropbox).

Drive also offers two paid options â€" a $9.99 per month option that provides 1TB of storage (just like Dropbox offers) and also a $1.99 per month option that offers a still generous 100GB if you don’t need a full terabyte of storage.

This makes Google Drive a more affordable option for most mobile photographers as the file sizes of most iPhone photos are still very small compared to DSLR and other cameras.

For what it’s worth, I have a Google Drive account that I’ve been using for a few years for both mobile and DSLR work and I still haven’t maxed out the free 15GB of storage with a basic account. Everyone’s needs will vary, but it’s always good to have options.

3. iCloud Drive

One of the options that can’t be ignored is Apple’s own iCloud Drive. This is a newer version of iCloud that works more like Dropbox and Google Drive in that, in addition to auto-backups of your photos and data, you can now access and manage individual files.

For folks that prefer to use only Apple and iOS devices, this may be the best fully-integrated solution. However, to fully-integrate it with your Mac, you must upgrade your Mac to Yosemite OS for iCloud Drive to be fully functional. This may be a limitation for some folks with older machines.

Having only upgraded to Yosemite recently myself, I have not yet installed iCloud Drive, so I can’t yet offer a proper opinion on its functionality.

4. Other Cloud Storage Options

Other relatively new services such as Trunx [6] have also appeared on the scene recently. Again, I haven’t tried all of these, so I can’t give much of an opinion as to how well they function, but they’re all worthy of consideration as one may fit your personal storage needs better than others.

The nice thing about many of these storage options is that you can try them out for free to decide which one(s) work best for your needs. You may find that you go through a few different apps before you find a cloud storage solution that works for you.

While backing up your iPhone photos may not be as exciting as taking and editing images, it’s an important part of the iPhone photography workflow and shouldn’t be avoided. Just imagine how you’d feel if you lost all of your amazing iPhone photos!

So get backing up your images now, and then you can enjoy getting on with shooting more great iPhone photos, safe in the knowledge that your older pictures are securely stored on your computer or in the cloud.

Do you use any of the backup options discussed in this article? Or do you have another preferred backup and storage solution? Please let us know which options you prefer in the comments section below!

If you also want to take great photos with your iPhone, please join 21,574 subscribers who receive our free iPhone photography email tips [7] that you won’t find anywhere on this blog.


  1. ^ PhotoSync (itunes.apple.com)
  2. ^ PhotoSync website (www.photosync-app.com)
  3. ^ Dropbox app (itunes.apple.com)
  4. ^ @chris_stern (instagram.com)
  5. ^ Google Drive app (itunes.apple.com)
  6. ^ Trunx (itunes.apple.com)
  7. ^ free iPhone photography email tips (my.leadpages.net)

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