Friday, July 25, 2014

Poptile Review » 148Apps » iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch App Reviews and News

Simple yet a little bit glorious, Poptile is a satisfying entertaining puzzle game with oodles of the 'one more go' factor.

Play Poptile for a couple of minutes and you’ll wonder what all the fuss is about. Play it for a little longer and it’ll all make sense.

You see, Poptile is an incredibly simple game. One of the simplest out there. That’s the beauty though: it does just enough to keep you keen and chasing your friends’ high scores frequently.

The screen is littered with a few tiles at first. You tap on one to clear it and any adjoining ones of the same color. Make one tap and another line is added, and so forth, until you hit the ceiling and it’s game over. There are few restrictions to speak of. You can clear one tile or you can clear many tiles at once. It all depends on how good a job you’ve done at ensuring matching tiles are together. Sometimes you’re better off clearing just one tile in order to create a better opportunity later on. It’s all down to you and the tactics you wish to follow.

poptile5poptile3That’s where Poptile is quite beguiling. Such flexibility means you can do what you want, to an extent, and after a time you can rack up some quite impressive scores. At times it’s possible to create a few combos that are particularly convenient. There’s also the promise of power-ups every once in a while, but these are far from overpowered. Poptile keeps it simple and true.

As you get further into a session, new colors emerge to make things trickier, but it’s still the same game. It’s possible to buy new themes as well as remove the ads that occur between games for $0.99 a piece, and I’d say it’s worth it solely to support such titles.

Almost akin to the simple addictiveness of Threes, Poptile knows when to not overcomplicate matters and does so with style. It’ll keep that ‘one more go’ factor ticking along for quite a while.

Posted in: Games , iPad Apps and Games , iPad Games , iPhone Apps and Games , Reviews

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Review disclosure: note that the product reviewed on this page may have been provided to us by the developer for the purposes of this review. Note that if the developer provides the product or not, this does not impact the review or score.

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