Friday, July 25, 2014

How to Improve Your iPhone's Battery Life

Start with the Simple Stuff

There are a few things everyone ought to do if they're looking to get a little more power from their iPhone, and for the most part it just involves understanding which features have a noticeable impact on the battery. Some are obvious and some are not, but if you turn them off or manage them better your device will stay on for a little longer each day.

Disabling Push Email will let your device idle rather than constantly waiting around for a new message. Sure, you might not get an email seconds after it was sent, but if immediate delivery isn't critical you should just set your phone to poll your mail servers less often.

Turning off Location Services is another helpful battery saver. Your GPS loves sipping power, so if you keep your apps from constantly tracking your location your iPhone will last a bit longer.

Download over Wi-Fi instead of 3G. If you have any larger downloads, such as a software update, a podcast, music, video, or whatever, you'll be better off letting Wi-Fi handle the download. First of all, it'll generally download faster over a Wi-Fi connection so your phone won't be actively downloading for quite as long. Second, your phone's 3G radio tends to be a little more battery-hungry so it'll cause more of a drain regardless.

Disable unnecessary notifications. Every time you receive a notification, your device's screen lights up to tell you. This takes a little power and you probably don't need to be notified of every little thing that every app wants to tell you. Go into your iPhone's notification settings (in the Settings app) and turn off notifications for any app you don't really care about.

Clear the multitasking queue so you don't have an endless trail of open apps. Even though Apple designed multitasking to be battery-friendly, suspending a ton of apps still takes its toll. It can be frustrating to manually close a bunch of apps in the multitasking queue, but doing this on a weekly basis can help reduce unwanted battery drain.

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  1. ^ Kunal Vohra (
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