Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dance Party For iPhone: The Wii-Like Motion Game For Apple TV Released! [Download Link]

Earlier on last month, we caught a glimpse of Dance Party , an intriguing little game that allowed Apple TV users to enjoy the popular genre of motion-detected dance moves using their iPhones. It was an interesting concept that had never been attempted before, and having teased us with a trailer back when it was first announced in June, has just become available over at the App Store. Below, you’ll find the usual details as well as that all-important download link.

The Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect have accustomed us to the wonders of motion-based gaming, and although it has been suggested that Apple TV may get gaming support, MFi compatibility, its own App Store â€" the whole caboodle â€" those in ownership of the Cupertino’s little black box have had to make do with streaming TV shows and movies.


But the guys at Rolocule Games have had other ideas, and having been impressed by what we saw just a short while ago, has now been deemed ready for prime time and manifested over at the App Store.


It works with iPhone and iPod touch â€" no iPad support for obvious reasons â€" and once downloaded, you simply fire up your Apple TV and you’re ready to rock. You must perfect the dance moves in order to gather all of the achievements, and although you naturally suspect that this iPhone + Apple TV combination doesn’t quite cut it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how accurate and seamless Dance Party is to play.


Hopefully, if things kick off and gamers really do take to Dance Party, we may see more developers taking advantage of Apple TV and the myriad of sensors bundled into iOS devices. Whether this will also, in turn, prompt Apple into bringing proper gaming support to its set-top box remains to be seen, but if the utterances of some analysts are on the money, such an implementation may already be in the works.

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Dance Party is free, although includes a couple of in-app purchases, and can be downloaded via the link below.

(Download: Dance Party for iPhone on the App Store) [1]

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