Thursday, July 19, 2012

Technology Center: Product Reviews Net

Nexus S Jelly Bean update rollouts begin? [1]

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:57 AM PDT

We have yet more good news to share with you regarding the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean rollout bandwagon [2] . After the news broke of the GSM Galaxy Nexus getting an official update, we’re now pleased to report that it looks like the Nexus S is next in line.

This is surely going to be great news for those loyal owners who decided to stick with the Nexus S, despite the fact that the higher spec Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3 are now above the Nexus S in the Android pecking order.

Although an official announcement hasn’t been made by Google yet, a report [3] by Android Central claims that rollouts are due to start at the end of this week, with Vodafone Australia apparently confirming this as a done deal. However, if you do a Twitter search [4] for Nexus S Jelly Bean, you’ll also see conflicting messages stating that Jelly Bean for the Nexus S has been delayed until further notice.

It should be out soon regardless though and it is pleasing to see Google stick to their word on their original statement. At Google I/O, they said that Android 4.1 will be available for the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S handsets first and low and behold, it’s happening.

The big question that a lot of you are asking now though, is where is the Android 4.1 update for the Galaxy S3? Now that the Nexus handsets are out of the way, excluding the LTE Galaxy Nexus on Verizon, we have a feeling that the Galaxy S3 should be next in line since it is considered the cream of the crop right now.

If you have a Nexus S, help us by confirming whether you have had any notifications in your area to upgrade to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or not.

More About: Android, Jelly Bean, Nexus S [5] [6] [7]

For more [8] coverage:

Battlefield 3 Armored Kill DLC gameplay imminent [9]

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:05 AM PDT

If you are looking forward to the next Battlefield 3 DLC expansion pack, you’ll be pleased to hear that you’ll be getting a preview of Armored Kill [10] very soon. Developers DICE have announced that a new trailer will be going live on Thursday and it will give you another opportunity to see the biggest Battlefield map in history.

DICE made the announcement on Facebook and even set up a little event [11] to build up the anticipation. The multiplayer trailer for Armored Kill will be going live at 6am Pacific Time, so we actually don’t have long to wait at the time of writing. We already know a little bit about Bandar Desert [12] , but hopefully the trailer will finally disclose what type of new vehicles we can expect to see â€" there should be five including the gunship.

Don’t forget though that Armored Kill will be offering four new maps, so we still have three more maps to see that haven’t been discussed yet. DICE has dropped a major hint on Facebook by teasing that one of the maps is going to include snow, so that’s pretty exciting for those who enjoy that kind of environment.

Either way, we can’t wait to see what new vehicles will be available. We just hope that the console version of Bandar Desert [13] isn’t too gimped compared to the map on PC. DICE has been teasing the ‘biggest map in Battlefield history’ for months now, so let’s hope it delivers on all platforms.

As soon as the trailer is available, we’ll add it below. Are you excited about Armored Kill? Don’t forget that it will release one week early for Premium members on PS3.

More About: Battlefield 3, [14]

For more [15] coverage:

Nexus 7 UK: Tesco, Dixons price and delivery date [16]

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:04 AM PDT

There are a number of stores in the United Kingdom where you can get the Nexus 7, although some potential buyers could be waking up today and want to know what store has the best Nexus 7 UK price? The selection of stores is much smaller than you would see with an iPad launch, Comet is one retailer that doesn’t have stock of the Nexus 7 online or even a product page, but you will find Tesco and Dixons stocking the new Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) tablet right now.

When it comes to price you won’t see any stores undercutting each other by much, so you should expect to pay around £199.99 in all UK stores, although if you see any crazy deals let us know in the comments. You can find the Dixons Nexus 7 product page here [17] , which states a “Next day delivery” at the time of writing. Tesco’s Nexus 7 page can be found here [18] and are offering a price that is almost £1 cheaper, which also includes 199 Clubcard points and the tablet is in stock. It is worth noting that you can pick up in store as well, which is thanks to their “Click and Collect” service.

If you order the Nexus 7 online from the UK you can expect a delivery date within a couple of days, although this might change if the new tablet starts to sell out through high demand, so consider ordering as soon as possible or picking up in store if you really want one. If you find any stores running out of stock please share a comment, also with the location of that store.

We’ve included a video below this article for those of our UK readers that don’t know much about the Nexus 7 tablet and specs, although this is the official video from Google, so expect it to sing and dance about how good the device is. You can see an independent review of the Nexus 7 via our earlier article [19] , but this also shouts mostly praise for the new tablet when comparing it to the Kindle Fire. It’s fair to say the Nexus 7 has received positive remarks from most technology blogs, although there have been some major issues in the US over shipping and this can be seen in the many comments here [20] .

Are you looking at picking up a Nexus 7 in the UK today? Considering the Nexus 7 is the first tablet to get Jelly Bean we look forward to seeing consumers react to this Android update.

More About: google, Nexus 7, tesco [21] [22] [23]

For more [24] coverage:

Skyrim Dawnguard: Necessities for patch 1.7 [25]

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:18 AM PDT

There is certainly a need for Skyrim Dawnguard to receive patch 1.7 on the Xbox 360, which would fix bugs some gamers have been experiencing, although we wonder what this would mean to PS3 players that haven’t even had the 1.6 update? We expect the first Skryim Dawnguard patch to arrive soon, so it makes sense to see a new update for all systems, which would allow PS3 and PC users to download the first Skyrim DLC on July 26, the hoped for [26] release date, with fixes for bugs found by Xbox 360 gamers and developers.

We have been playing Skyrim Dawnguard on the Xbox 360 for almost a month, and while we downloaded the DLC on day one our free time to review, and play the new content has been limited. We have also taken our time to explore every inch of Dawnguard and plan on playing as both the vampires and Dawnguard with different save files. After spending this much time in the game you would think we found loads of bugs, although this is not the case but we do know a number of players that have found problems with Dawnguard.

What does Skyrim patch 1.7 need to fix in Dawnguard and the rest of the game? The only issue we found in Dawnguard so far has been floating bodies, and also after dropping some items they are left floating in mid-air. While this isn’t a big deal it could do with a fix, but there are some problems others have experienced that stops them from playing certain quests in Skyrim, which have not been fixed at the time of writing. There has been a number of reports of broken quests although this could be fixed in some circumstances if miscellaneous quests would auto complete when the final quest is achieved. Do you have broken quests in Skyrim?

New features within patch 1.7 â€" it seems unlikely that new features will come in the next patch considering the amount of time being taken up with Dawnguard, and launching a new patch to fix issues that still remain, but this hasn’t stopped some gamers publishing wish lists for new features to come in this patch or a future update. We’ve seen requests for moving hair, a toggle for headgear, capes to move more rather than be completely stiff, seasonal weather, and footprints in snow. What new features would you like to see added to Skyrim and Dawnguard?

It is worth noting that a new patch went live for Skyrim within the last 24 hours, which some people are claiming is for Dawnguard. We’d like to point out that this update has only been for non-english versions of the game so far, although we’ll update you when patch v1.7 goes live for english versions of Skyrim.

More About: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim [27]

For more [28] coverage:

iPhone 5 release date window with worthy specs [29]

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 11:22 PM PDT

The Apple hype machine is in full speed and it seems there are conflicting reports over the start of production [30] , which had been rumored to have started already although a new report claims that won’t happen just yet considering the iPhone 5 is in an EVT3 stage of engineering. The same source points to an obvious iPhone 5 release date window, which is fall 2012 and this is also the consensus most technology blogs agree on.

We have seen a number of engineering samples, like this metal block [31] , and we believe Apple have produced a number of samples with varied designs, so while the so-called iPhone 5 leaks reveal at lot the specs should be taken with a pinch of salt. One of these samples would likely be the final 6th generation iPhone design, but only Apple know exactly what will arrive when the phone launches this fall.

BGR [32] is the blog we mention above and their “trusted source“, most websites seem to have these this year, states that the new iPhone 5 specs will include 1GB of RAM, which is double what we have in our 4S. We should also see 4G LTE, this had been obvious considering the iPad 3 received this upgrade, and another feature that has been debated is NFC. We have heard a lot of conflicting reports about NFC, and last we heard the iPhone 5 would miss out [33] on this technology, although this latest report claims it will be there.

At the time of writing we only know the iPhone 5 release date will land this fall, and other than this launch window the date is unknown. Apple will not plan the final date until nearer the time, so any blog claiming they know is blowing hot air. Do you feel the iPhone 5 needs Near Field Communication technology?

More About: apple, apple iphone [34] [35]

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Windows 8 release date and price finalized [37]

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 10:15 PM PDT

We have some great news for those of you who are patiently waiting for the arrival of Microsoft’s next operating system, Windows 8. The company has finally announced an official launch date and we now know what day the new software will be available on in October and how much it will cost you to upgrade as well.

The date that you all need to write down is Friday October 26. The announcement was made during Microsoft’s annual sales meeting and it now puts to bed all of the previous speculation on when Windows 8 will actually be available. There’s no word at the moment whether this is the same date when Microsoft’s new Xbox SmartGlass features go live, but we expect more details on this to become available at a later date â€" especially since it has now been announced that Halo 4 will have SmartGlass support.

There’s a great deal of interest in Windows 8 this time around not only due to the unique interface, but also Microsoft’s new pricing structure, which is very reasonable. The company has announced the cheapest upgrade price so far, stating that upgrades to Windows 8 will be available for as little as $40. You’ll even be able to upgrade straight from Windows XP to Windows 8 for $40, although Microsoft has said that they’ll release more details soon on which systems will be eligible for the upgrade.

If you prefer a physical copy of Windows 8, you’ll need to pay $70 for a shrink-wrapped DVD. Considering that upgrade prices to various editions of Windows 7 was nothing short of a small fortune, we doubt that anyone will be complaining too much about the pricing here.

The question is though â€" will you be jumping straight on for this? For $40, it is a bit of a steal and Windows 8 is looking very promising you have you say.

More About: microsoft, Windows 8 [38] [39]

For more [40] coverage:

  1. ^ Nexus S Jelly Bean update rollouts begin? (
  2. ^ rollout bandwagon (
  3. ^ report (
  4. ^ Twitter search (
  5. ^ Android (
  6. ^ Jelly Bean (
  7. ^ Nexus S (
  8. ^ (
  9. ^ Battlefield 3 Armored Kill DLC gameplay imminent (
  10. ^ preview of Armored Kill (
  11. ^ set up a little event (
  12. ^ a little bit about Bandar Desert (
  13. ^ console version of Bandar Desert (
  14. ^ Battlefield 3 (
  15. ^ (
  16. ^ Nexus 7 UK: Tesco, Dixons price and delivery date (
  17. ^ here (
  18. ^ here (
  19. ^ earlier article (
  20. ^ here (
  21. ^ google (
  22. ^ Nexus 7 (
  23. ^ tesco (
  24. ^ (
  25. ^ Skyrim Dawnguard: Necessities for patch 1.7 (
  26. ^ hoped for (
  27. ^ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (
  28. ^ (
  29. ^ iPhone 5 release date window with worthy specs (
  30. ^ production (
  31. ^ this metal block (
  32. ^ BGR (
  33. ^ miss out (
  34. ^ apple (
  35. ^ apple iphone (
  36. ^ (
  37. ^ Windows 8 release date and price finalized (
  38. ^ microsoft (
  39. ^ Windows 8 (
  40. ^ (

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