Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Technology Center: Product Reviews Net

Conti denies GTA V release date hints [1]

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 05:01 AM PDT

The golden egg when it comes to Grand Theft Auto 5 is the release date and at the time of writing the launch month isn’t even known, let alone an exact date. This has created some desperation for GTA V news and most of us would take just about anything right now, so hunting Twitter for answers is something news reporters and gamers do on a daily basis. Within the last 24 hours we heard from Rockstar’s Dan Conti, although some gamers might take what he said out of perspective.

For those of our readers that don’t know â€" Dan. C is a programmer for Rockstar, which he recently confirmed on his Twitter account [2] around 11 hours ago, although he also tweeted about the release of GTA V among other things. When one gamer said he couldn’t wait for GTA V, Dan. C replied that the game would be “worth it” and even if it took another 5 years it would still be worth it. This made some gamers question if the release date could be even longer than first thought, and when Dan. C had been asked if GTA 5 is coming “current gen xbox“, he replied “can’t comment on that“.

You can imagine how this made some people think bad things about the launch of the next Grand Theft Auto game, but he did mention later that the game wouldn’t take another 5 years. While it seems that some gamers have taken this out of perspective, we still think the game is coming in early 2013 and Dan. C said to keep an eye on the newswire. He also explained that his job is not limed to programming and everyone has many different tasks, and later played down rumors that he had been giving release date hints for GTA V. Do you keep track of Twitter accounts for those working on Grand Theft Auto V?

When do you expect the game to launch, and do you think Microsoft will try and put money up for exclusive content?

More About: gta v [3]

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Jelly Bean update excuses futile with HTC HD2 port [5]

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 01:58 AM PDT

Now that Android Jelly Bean [6] has officially arrived on the GSM Galaxy Nexus, many of you are probably now very optimistic that your device will also be in line for an update to Google’s latest version of Android.

However, it will also be inevitable that many of you will be disappointed when you find out that your device is no longer on the list for official software updates. We see countless times where carriers and manufacturers state that the ‘aging’ hardware of the specific device is the sole reason why updates, cease to continue.

We’re here to remind you though that you shouldn’t really have to put up with such excuses, as some new evidence has proved that Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is compatible with the very oldest of Android smartphones. We’ve just become aware that the legendary HTC HD2 has managed to pull off another of its amazing port capabilities, despite the handset being launched way back in 2009.

We have video proof showing the HTC HD2 running Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean and although some functions are not working at the moment â€" it is pretty impressive for a first build on a near four year old device. Just to remind you, the HD2 features a mere 512MB of RAM and just a 1Ghz Snapdragon single core processor.

The next time you hear an announcement from your carrier or manufacturer stating that Jelly Bean won’t be available for your device, you may want to ask them why an earth not when the HTC HD2 can run the software in a stable state. Check out the video below showing a German user running Jelly Bean on his HTC HD2.

This should be great news for Android owners all over the world, as it definitely improves your chances of getting Jelly Bean one way or another.

More About: Android, Jelly Bean [7] [8]

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Profanity adds to The Last of Us realism [10]

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 12:21 AM PDT

It is clear that The Last of Us [11] is going to be one of the games of 2013. We think that everyone has gotten over the fact that the game is not going to be out this year, but if there is one aspect of the game that has surprised us, it is the frequent use of profanity contained within.

Don’t worry, we’re going to go all Daily Mail on you as we actually think it’s a great idea that Naughty Dog are putting all this profanity in the game. When you are on the brink of survival and facing an angry mob of flesh eating individuals, it’s only natural for our two heroes to get all hot and bothered and let slip of the tongue right?

You may remember that the E3 demo [12] shown featured a fair amount of profanity, but even Ellie is at it in a new trailer that Naughty Dog has shown off as part of Comic Con 2012. In it, we see also see a new character introduced called Bill â€" an individual who appears to have a past history with Joel and also takes an instant disliking to Ellie as he attempts to handcuff her.

There are obviously going to be some people who think that the no holds barred swearing is too much, but we say that it adds to the realism in what is already a fantastic looking storyline. The game is looking more like a hollywood movie by the day and we have to say that this is our favorite trailer for the game yet.

Take a look at the game yourself and let us know your thoughts on the frequent use of profanity. Do you agree that it adds to the ‘realism’ of the story and situation, or do you have other views?

More About: naughty dog, The Last of Us [13] [14]

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iPhone 5 front panel alters FaceTime [16]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 11:12 PM PDT

After mounting evidence has seemingly put a Mini iPad on schedule [17] for a release before the end of the year, it looks like Apple can no longer keep their prized iPhone 5 [18] smartphone a secret either.

New information on the device seems to be appearing every day and after recently informing you about the next iPhone going into production [19] , we can tell you that yet more alleged components have been leaked. So far we have seen countless pictures of the rumored back casing of the device suggesting that aluminum materials will be used.

Now though, a new picture of the alleged front casing for the iPhone 5 has appeared and it again backs up previous rumors suggesting that Apple has opted to move the Facetime camera position to the center of the device, rather than the left side where it is featured on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.

The picture has been obtained [20] by Apple.pro, the same Taiwanese site that you may be familiar with for leaking other Apple components in the past. Aside from the new position for the Facetime camera, we also see the larger display screen compared with the current size and it is clear that the new model definitely has a bigger height, whilst maintaining the same width as the iPhone 4/4S.

Other than that, there doesn’t appear to be any other major changes to the front panel for the iPhone 5. Many were hoping to see an edge-to-edge display for the next-generation iPhone, but we have a feeling that many consumers will still be happy with the new and improved taller display.

How many more component leaks are we going to see before Apple has to come out and announce the device officially? If the iPhone 5 takes preference for you over the likes of the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 [21] , let us know your impressions of the device so far, based on all of the rumored specs and design information.

More About: apple, iPhone 5 [22] [23]

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Avengers Battle for Earth pain vs THQ cancellation [25]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 11:01 PM PDT

After having high hopes on THQ’s cancelled Avengers game project, the focus has switched firmly to Ubisoft as they have announced Avengers: Battle for Earth. At Comic Con 2012, a new and very awesome trailer for the game emerged, but after seeing some actual gameplay for the Kinect and Wii U title, we were left feeling a little disappointed.

Disappointment for sure and maybe even a little robbed too. We thought that a game would be releasing along side the excellent movie and that was a surprise when it didn’t happen. We also thought that THQ’s cancelled game looked pretty good from the leaked gameplay, so imagine our shock when we found out that the first Avengers game post-movie is going to be a motion-based affair on the Wii U and Xbox 360 only.

The good news, is that SEGA are nowhere near this game which can only be seen as a positive after they were in charge of recruiting various developers for the murdered Iron Man, Thor and Captain America video games. Ubisoft has a much better chance of doing well you would think and the trailer shown at Comic Con 2012 backs this up appropriately.

After watching the trailer, you may assume that Battle for Earth is looking like it is going to be something special indeed and finally a decent superhero game alongside the Batman Arkham series. Unfortunately though, you may be in for a little shock when you check out actual gameplay that has been shown.

Our first thoughts are â€" is this the same game from the trailer? Motion control games are obviously very adventurous, but you may not like what you see here. Gameplay looks a little suspect from the very offset, while we’re not really a fan of the colorful graphics theme either.

The whole turn-based affair of the game is just not what we expected to see and if we’re honest we actually liked the look of THQ’s cancelled game a lot more. It is early days yet of course so perhaps we shouldn’t be too harsh on these initial showings of the game.

We’ve included a series of videos below for you to have your say though and we’re hoping you will tell us your honest opinions of the game. Does this look like another failed superhero game? We’ve also added THQ’s cancelled Avengers game as well, just to give you a comparison between the two.

More About: Avengers: Battle for Earth, ubisoft [26] [27]

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WWE 13 Austin 3:16 Edition has best Attitude Era experience [29]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 10:09 PM PDT

Did you enjoy the latest episode of Monday Night RAW just a few hours ago? To continue on with the WWE theme, we’ve just heard that THQ are planning to release a collector’s edition of upcoming game WWE 13 [30] and that it will be officially dubbed, the ‘Austin 3:16 Edition’.

We knew that the game would be featuring an Attitude Era campaign in an attempt to mimic the real events that happened during the late 90s and early 2000′s. Now though it looks like the biggest star of that period is getting his own unique version of WWE 13 and there’s some Stone Cold related bonuses that you will definitely be interested in picking up.

Firstly, picking up the 3:16 Edition gives you access to bonus in-game material that won’t be featured in the standard edition. For example, one of these items has already been confirmed to be Steve Austin’s famous ATV entrance to the ring which will be exclusive to this version only.

Aside from that, you’ll also get a Stone Cold DVD or Blu-Ray, a signed photo and an in-game Stone Cold t-shirt to use. Picking up the 3:16 Edition will also grant you access to one of Stone Cold’s Attitude Era rivals â€" Mike Tyson, who can only be unlocked by pre-ordering the game through retailers.

So how much will you have to pay for this bounty of goodies? A handsome sum of $80 according to the THQ shop website [31] . Considering that the standard version has a retail price of $60, we would say that this is a pretty good deal for an extra $20. Check out the announce trailer below and let us know your thoughts on it.

Are you picking up WWE 13, or are you unhappy that THQ is still developing WWE games?

More About: WWE 13 [32]

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Unboxing the Nexus 7 humor [34]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 07:44 PM PDT

Are you still patiently waiting for your Nexus 7 shipping update? If the device won’t be reaching you for a few days, you have probably already checked out a few unboxing clips online. Hilariously, it seems that many people are having trouble actually opening the device.

Simply opening a box shouldn’t be a problem for most people right? Usually all it takes is a few swipes of the knife to cut open the stickers on the sides, but Google has decided to reinforce the Nexus 7 with some new measures that are giving users a lot of grief.

Check out the hilarious montage of Nexus 7 unboxing videos below to see exactly what we’re talking about. After you’ve watched it, you’ll probably be wondering why they didn’t just rip open the box in the end. We feel the same way, but then it wouldn’t make a pretty unboxing video would it?

At least Google has ensured 100% that none of their tablets will be damaged on route to being shipped to consumers. We’ve seen plenty of anger online saying that they wouldn’t have had the same problem if they were unboxing the Nexus 7 as they’d just rip open the box by any means possible.

For those that have already received the spanking new Nexus 7 tablet though, tell us: Did you run into the same problems when opening the device? We wonder what the odds are on Apple turning this into some lighthearted attack on Google during their rumored product reveal this Fall.

More About: Android, google, Nexus 7 [35] [36] [37]

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Resident Evil 6 locations and campaign length [39]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Today we wanted to touch on Resident Evil 6 locations and the campaign length, which is ideal for newcomers to the franchise or those of our readers that haven’t kept up with the latest happenings surrounding the next installment. Resident Evil 6 is going to be interesting, especially for newbies, and it will feature three story modes with connected storylines, and each of these scenarios has playable characters with partners, which is pretty familiar for people that have played previous Resident Evil games.

The Resident Evil 6 locations are likely to include Edonia, Eastern Europe, Tall Oaks, Raccoon City, Lanshiang China, Washington D.C. and possibly more. You can read detailed insight for each of these locations via this article [40] , although some of these areas have been rumored for a while now.

Most gamers are going to love the Resident Evil 6 campaign length, which is said to be 30 hours when you take the 3 story modes into account. If you play as each of the three characters then you should expect the game to last around 10 hours for each character, although some veterans might complete things a bit quicker. The only thing that can let the game down now is a story that doesn’t pull you in enough.

Is Resident Evil 6 a day one purchase for you? Unless the Resident Evil 6 gets a delay you can expect the release date to be October 2, and the game will land on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC platforms. We have included 26-minutes of gameplay below, so check it out if you haven’t seen this video before. You can also see around 60-minutes of gameplay in an earlier article here [41] , which details each of the playable characters.

More About: Resident Evil 6 [42]

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iPhone 5 formation starts [44]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 10:24 AM PDT

One of the final phases the iPhone 5 will enter is production and it looks like this is exactly what stage the phone is in right now, and the moment we get an iPhone 5 release date you’ll see devices ship direct from China. Expectations for the launch month are October, which is in fitting with last year although the Apple press event will be a couple of weeks before the device starts shipping.

The news of production starting comes from a Japanese website called Macotakara.jp [45] , and they claim they have a “reliable Chinese source“. They also mention that final design cases are starting to appear on certain websites, which includes Alibaba. As per normal this is just a rumor but then you shouldn’t expect much else until the press event, although it makes sense that Apple would enter production now considering we have a couple of months left before entering possible launch months.

Apple will be using all its resources to form the new iPhone 5, especially considering this model will be a much bigger upgrade than the 4S, and some analysts expect the iPhone 5 to be the biggest product launch in history. Macotakara also mention a number of designs have been in testing, so this would explain the range of leaked photos we’ve seen in 2012, which have displayed a lot more diversity than previous years. Some of the latest leaks showed a center camera, but the majority of pictures show the camera in the same place as the 4S with a slight movement.

Other clues for the new design include glass on certain parts and an aluminum surface on the faceplate, but the small hole between the flash and camera had been missing in the claimed final design. We’ve heard previously that a small hole could be related to a patent, which would protect Apple [46] against fake insurance claims. It is possible that the hole has been made less obvious, and less likely to get water inside by rain etc.

The bottom-line: We’d expect the formation of iPhone 5 to have started by now, so this latest rumor could be a shot in the dark. Are you looking forward to a new iPhone in 2012?

More About: apple, apple iphone [47] [48]

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Sony’s quiet exclusive PS3 DLC victory over Xbox 360 [50]

Posted: 16 Jul 2012 07:41 AM PDT

When was the last time you can remember Sony actually scoring some proper exclusive DLC for the PS3, over the Xbox 360? It doesn’t happen very often due to Microsoft’s very ‘persuading’ tactics, but we do have one story to tell you about now where one PS3 game has managed to score a small victory.

Console exclusives are a very stressful aspect of the industry these days and rarely do you find a game where the majority of post-release content can be accessed for free. Microsoft are definitely winning the so called ‘timed-exclusive’ wars at the moment it seems â€" managing to beat Sony to the punch for first tibs on post-release content for the likes of Call of Duty, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and most recently, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD.

Sony has scored a few victories of their own â€" Mortal Kombat, Assassin’s Creed 3 [51] , Battlefield 3 â€" but only as timed exclusives. Now though, we have found out that the PS3 version of Street Fighter X Tekken contains some DLC that will never be featured on the Xbox 360 version.

It comes in the form of the Pac-Man and Megaman characters, as game producer Tomoyaki Ayano told [52] Siliconera that these characters will only be featured on the PS3 version. It’s true that these characters have been available since March, but now may be the time to pick up the PS3 version if you haven’t played it if you want to enjoy these characters.

Those of you living life on the edge with a modded Xbox 360 may have been enjoying these PS3 characters anyway though. It’s no secret that Capcom has had a huge problem on their hands dealing with hackers on the Xbox 360 version after they found a way to unlock all of the characters that were hidden on the disc â€" Pac-Man and Megaman included.

Still though, it’s nice to see that Sony still some bargaining power left in their grasp. Do you think it is simply a case of who pays the most money, or are you starting to believe that some developers have now picked their ‘favorite’ console as a preference? It’s an interesting debate for sure â€" Let us know your thoughts on the state of console exclusive DLC.

More About: sony [53]

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  1. ^ Conti denies GTA V release date hints (www.product-reviews.net)
  2. ^ his Twitter account (twitter.com)
  3. ^ gta v (www.product-reviews.net)
  4. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  5. ^ Jelly Bean update excuses futile with HTC HD2 port (www.product-reviews.net)
  6. ^ Jelly Bean (www.product-reviews.net)
  7. ^ Android (www.product-reviews.net)
  8. ^ Jelly Bean (www.product-reviews.net)
  9. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  10. ^ Profanity adds to The Last of Us realism (www.product-reviews.net)
  11. ^ The Last of Us (www.product-reviews.net)
  12. ^ E3 demo (www.product-reviews.net)
  13. ^ naughty dog (www.product-reviews.net)
  14. ^ The Last of Us (www.product-reviews.net)
  15. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  16. ^ iPhone 5 front panel alters FaceTime (www.product-reviews.net)
  17. ^ Mini iPad on schedule (www.product-reviews.net)
  18. ^ iPhone 5 (www.product-reviews.net)
  19. ^ going into production (www.product-reviews.net)
  20. ^ obtained (translate.google.com)
  21. ^ Galaxy Note 2 (www.product-reviews.net)
  22. ^ apple (www.product-reviews.net)
  23. ^ iPhone 5 (www.product-reviews.net)
  24. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  25. ^ Avengers Battle for Earth pain vs THQ cancellation (www.product-reviews.net)
  26. ^ Avengers: Battle for Earth (www.product-reviews.net)
  27. ^ ubisoft (www.product-reviews.net)
  28. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  29. ^ WWE 13 Austin 3:16 Edition has best Attitude Era experience (www.product-reviews.net)
  30. ^ WWE 13 (www.product-reviews.net)
  31. ^ THQ shop website (shop.thq.com)
  32. ^ WWE 13 (www.product-reviews.net)
  33. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  34. ^ Unboxing the Nexus 7 humor (www.product-reviews.net)
  35. ^ Android (www.product-reviews.net)
  36. ^ google (www.product-reviews.net)
  37. ^ Nexus 7 (www.product-reviews.net)
  38. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  39. ^ Resident Evil 6 locations and campaign length (www.product-reviews.net)
  40. ^ this article (uk.ign.com)
  41. ^ here (www.product-reviews.net)
  42. ^ Resident Evil 6 (www.product-reviews.net)
  43. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  44. ^ iPhone 5 formation starts (www.product-reviews.net)
  45. ^ Macotakara.jp (www.macotakara.jp)
  46. ^ would protect Apple (www.product-reviews.net)
  47. ^ apple (www.product-reviews.net)
  48. ^ apple iphone (www.product-reviews.net)
  49. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)
  50. ^ Sony’s quiet exclusive PS3 DLC victory over Xbox 360 (www.product-reviews.net)
  51. ^ Assassin’s Creed 3 (www.product-reviews.net)
  52. ^ told (www.siliconera.com)
  53. ^ sony (www.product-reviews.net)
  54. ^ Product-Reviews.net (www.product-reviews.net)

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