Monday, July 16, 2012

A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits

It’s been challenging for the nonprofit sector to create iPhone and Android Apps [1] that people want to first download and then repeatedly use â€" at least in large numbers. In general, your supporters have minimal interest in downloading a budget-friendly app that only includes a news or blog feed, a link to your YouTube Channel, and “Donate” option. For an app to be successful, it needs to be useful and well-designed and that’s a financial and creative challenge for most nonprofits. That said, the 12 nonprofit iPhone Apps listed below are good examples of what’s right to do when considering launching an iPhone App for your nonprofit. Known as productivity and lifestyle apps, each one in some way is meant to make an individual’s life easier or more enjoyable.

Related Links:
Webinar: How Nonprofits Can Successfully Utilize Mobile Technology and Mobile Fundraising
10 Free Nonprofit iPhone Apps [2]

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