Monday, July 16, 2012

Free LTE Wireless For Your iDevice? Yes Please!


FreedomPop is this awesome up-and-coming WiFi provider which plans to turn the traditional carrier model upside down with free service, and iPhone products.

Are you in? I did say Free!

The offer sounds great, but what does it really entail?

iPhone users get free service in exchange for buying $99 cases with built-in FreedomPop modems. As long as the case is sexy, I am good with it! [1]

FreedomPop has had a change of heart and has changed it’s stance on WiMAx and went with the newer LTE network offered up by Sprint all by the the end of 2012.

Come this fall, iPhone users might just have a chance to experience LTE data speeds without having to upgrade their iDevices. This means I can keep my iPhone 4 and get LTE speeds? I am in!

FreedomPop’s official launch is still months away. But if you’re interested, you can find out more information about the service and sign up for updates and early access by clicking here [2] .

What do you think? Are you interested at all?

  1. ^ $99 cases (
  2. ^ by clicking here (

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