Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Apple, Mac Pro 2012, iOS 6, iPhone 5, iPhone , Downloads,Technology News, iPhone accessories,Android Games

StyleTap is not a household name in the Android environment because, although it deals with software companies for several years to run applications on Palm OS (the old) Windows Mobile, Symbian and iPhone OS, the little robot was left out of the game, at least until now.
The emulator just released for Android's support for any app written for Palm OS 5.2 and earlier, as well as programs that use native ARM code.

The good news never comes without a downside; however, that in this case concerns the price: $ 49.95 for the license to carry home the emulator and play happily in the minefield! You see the bright side though: you can try it for 14 days in complete freedom. Download it from here:http://bit.ly/LWdvx4

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