Monday, July 16, 2012

12 Must See Cat Games and Apps for Your iPhone or iPad | Pictures of Cats

Our latest list of Pet Apps are some very cool Cat Games you can play on your iphone or ipad. They’re tons of fun and a few games are made just for Cats (although Cat Lovers can join in if they like). Many of these Cat Apps are free and the rest are not too pricey, except for one. Here’s a great chance to start your own collection of Cat Games so jump right in and let the games begin! Oh, and don’t forget to pick out a few for your Cat to play too.

Jade Playing on the iPad

Pocket Pond

This app is quite cool. I’ve had it for some time although our Cats don’t pay much attention to it. There’s a good chance your Cats will have some fun with this one though.

It’s a very realistic virtual pond with prized koi carp swimming around. Cats are attracted to the motion of the fish which makes it a fun toy for them. It works best on an ipad because of the larger screen but be careful of your Cats claws on your screen.

Pocket Pond

Touching the screen will ripple the surface of the pond along with some watery sounds. Calming forest sounds add to the relaxing experience of this app. If you tap on a fish they’ll turn and swim away.

Tapping on the plus icon in the top left opens a menu where you can add more things to the pond such as a dragon fly, a few lily pads and of course more fish. Tap on the dragon fly to swat it into the water to get rid of it.

It’s all very enjoyable and relaxing at the same time. It’s free to download and has received a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

Pocket Pond 2 is also available for free with more features and creatures for your pond. The new features in this version allow you to raise, feed, breed and play with your koi fish. Pocket Pond 2 might be too much for your Cat to bother with but it’s something us humans would have fun with. It’s free to download as well but there are some in app purchases if you’re interested in extending the app.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 3.5 Stars out of 5.


Cat Toys

An interesting idea, this app is not for you but for your Cat. This fun app comes with a selection of virtual toys that move around the screen with fast, unpredictable movements. There’s a mouse, a rat, a ping pong ball, a frog and a spider that your Cat has to try and catch.

This is another app that works best on a larger screen. Simply run the app and place your ipad, iphone or ipod next to your cat and let the fun begin as they try to swat the moving object with their paw. Hopefully your screen won’t suffer any minor inflictions.

Cat Toys

This app sells for $0.99 on iTunes and only has a 2 out of 5 star rating, so if you would rather forgo the cost and not run the risk of little Fluffy scratching your ipad it might be a better idea, with all things considered, to opt for a real Cat Toy.

Price: $0.99
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4 Stars out of 5.


Talking Tom Cat

Tom is a cool Cat that is a lot of fun. He’s one in a larger group of 3D characters that do a bunch of cool things. He’ll listen to you and repeats whatever you say to him which can become addictively funny depending on what you get him to say of course. Kids really have a blast getting Tom to say things.

Tom does a few other fun things. Press the cup icon and Tom will drink a glass of milk. You can flip the cup icon to an icon with a cat paw on it. Press the paw icon and Tom will scratch your screen for you. ACK! Not good! But luckily it’s a virtual scratch so you’re safe.

Talking Tom Cat

The other icons play funny animations but only work if you buy the app instead of just getting the free version. That’s right, it’s free to download but you’ll get a few more things when you buy it.
There is also a Talking Tom 2 [1] that continues from the first one where Tom does more funny stuff and will still repeat whatever you say to him.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4.5 Stars out of 5.


iWash My Cats

Wait a sec here, don’t Cats hate to get wet. Don’t they despise baths? I’m not saying they’re filthy animals, on the contrary, they keep themselves very clean without the need for bathing. Having said that, this app lets you completely wash your virtual Cat.

iWash My Cats

You’ll start with soaping and go right through to rinsing, drying and finally brushing. This app will certainly be a lot of fun for Kids. They’ll enjoy taking care of their very own virtual cat and keeping him or her nice and clean. There are a few different Cats in here to keep clean and they’re all drawn in a colorful, cartoony style that makes it a cheery, feel good type of app.

Price: $0.99
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 3.5 Stars out of 5.


Cat Run

Help get your Cats get across the road safely to the other side in this quick paced, nicely illustrated game. If you don’t mind seeing Cats being hit by cars (in a cartoonish style with no real violence or gore) then you’ll enjoy this game.

The game is great fun with a frogger feel to it, but not so much fun when a Cat gets hit. Each time you successfully get a Cat to the other side of the street you gain a point. Get hit by a car and your Cat is sent flying but seems to be ok and ready to play in a short while.

Cat Run

Simply drag your finger across the screen to draw a path for your Cat to follow. If you’re quick you can turn back to avoid any on-coming cars.

The big thrill is helping your Cat to make it safely across the street. More levels and environments become available as you progress through the game. But be careful as you could end up spending hours helping your Cats across the busy street.

Price: $0.99
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4.5 Stars out of 5.


House of Mice Lite

Usually the Cat gets the mouse, but no so in this game. In this cool game the Cat gets it from the mice. House of Mice is a fun, beautifully illustrated puzzle game where you roll your mice to get rid of the main threat; the Cat. Start in the Living Room level and work your way through the many puzzles.

House of Mice

Then move on to the Kitchen. There are hazards for the mice, so watch out. Get the cheese and then go for the cat. Just don’t let your Cat see you playing this game no matter how much fun you have with it.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4 Stars out of 5.



Ever wonder what you would look like if you were a Cat? This app takes a picture of you and applies a breed of Cat to it from a selection of available breeds. Wait a few minutes and voila you are a Cat. It’s crazy stuff that some Cat lovers will get a big kick out of. Others, who are into these sort of apps, may just see it as a silly waste of time.


The apps lets you share your Catface through email or Facebook. We just noticed a price change for this app. We’re not sure what HK$8.99 means but it’s awfully expensive for this type of app. If anyone knows what the HK means please let us know and we’ll update things here. But, honestly, for what this apps does, it should be free or at the most $0.99 max. Lastly, there aren’t any ratings for this app and at the price they’re asking I can’t see an chance of them getting any comments or feedback at all.

Price: HK$8.99
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: na


Cat Game

Does your Cat like to catch the red laser dot from those little laser pointers? Well, now there a Cat app that does the same thing. If you’re not too worried about letting your Cat get its claws into your iPad then download this free app and let them loose on it. Feel free to give a go yourself.

Cat Game

Score a point every time you catch the red dot. If you multi-touch the screen it won’t work. Just one tap at a time is the only way to play. Download it and give it a try. You and your Cat will have lots of fun with it.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 3 Stars out of 5.


Game for Cats

This is one of the first, original ipad games for cats. Here’s how it works. There are three games in this Cat app where your Cat can chase a laser pointer, a mouse and a butterfly. The laser chase game is free and you can buy the mouse and butterfly games for $1.99 as an in app purchase. It’s a good way to try it out before you buy anything.

Game for Cats

The name is pretty simple and uncreative but the games do have some nice looking graphics and it’s becoming a big hit with Cats. Each time your Cat smacks the moving object they score a point. If you’re on Game Center you can even upload your high score as well as share it on twitter and Facebook.

Another nice feature is the ability to control the laser pointer, mouse or butterfly with your iphone which is a cool idea that gets you involved playing the game together with your cats.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4 Stars out of 5.


JitterBug [2]


This Cat game is similar to the ‘Game for Cats’ app. It’s a free app from Friskies that looks like fun but it’s missing a few essentials and not as fun as other games like it. The idea is to catch as many bugs as possible within a certain amount of time. There is also an endless play mode. The problem is the bugs move at the same speed which can become boring after a while.


Also there needs to be some sounds and music added to make things a bit more interesting. Maybe we’ll see these things in a future update?

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4 Stars out of 5.


Cat Fishing 2

Here is another fun fishing game for your Cat. Start it up, put your ipad on the floor and watch your Cat score points every time they catch a fish. It’s a simple game for your Cat to master quickly and enjoy right away. The game goes three levels deep where there can be up to three fish at one time.

Cat Fishing 2

The more fish that are caught the more challenging the game becomes. There is also the option to share your Cat’s score on Facebook or post the highest score on the world-wide leaderboard. This game is free and will run on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Chances are you’ll get the best reaction from your Cat playing this app on the iPad.

Price: Free
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 4 Stars out of 5.


Cat's Revenge

The Cat in this game is seeking revenge from the mice for stealing it’s food. It’s a fun game with nice graphics but it does seem a bit slow and dull at times. For the most part it’s quite entertaining. Fling the cheese using a mousetrap to hit the mice. While the mice are temporarily knocked down, grab them with the cat’s paw and put them in the basket.

Cat's Revenge

You can even bounce the cheese of the walls sort of like playing a game of pool. Each level challenges the player to hit and catch all the mice with only three pieces of cheese to complete each level. There are loads of levels to get through along with some fun, animated music to listen to. Not a bad game for $0.99.

Price: $0.99
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Customer Ratings: 3.5 Stars out of 5.


We hope you liked our list of Cat Games. If we missed any good ones let us know in the comments and we’ll add them in. We have a few more Cat Games to add in but we trust you and your Cat will have some fun with the Cat Games we’ve found so far!

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  1. ^ Talking Tom 2 (
  2. ^ Jitterbug (
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  4. ^ Like the Band of Cats Facebook Page (

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