Saturday, April 28, 2012

What To Expect Once You Have The iPhone 3GS Smart Phone « cre8tive M.V.

Despite the fact that many new iPhone models have been released, people are still purchasing the iPhone 3GS Smart Phone because of its many features and benefits. The original price of the iPhone 3GS Smart Phone was quite high, but today, it is affordable for almost everyone. Although this phone does not compare to the iPhone 4 or iPhone 5, it is still a state-of-the-art smartphone that will do many things.

Aside from the usual capability of taking and receiving calls, smartphones can do much more. One of the most useful functions of the iPhone 3GS is that it contains a GPS system. Pocket-sized and handy to use, the GPS unit in your smart phone can go with you wherever you are even if you already own a GPS for your car. If you download the Maps & Compass app, you will immediately be able to orient yourself. Finding North is no problem at all using this app. Finding a place to go has never been easier using the Maps function on the app. An example of how to use this is to type in the word “car-rental” and it will lead you to that destination.

Editing and sending photos is one of the top features on the iPhone 3GS Smart Phone. You can categorize your photos however you choose, whether by album name, places, faces or events. The best thing about using a smartphone like this is that you can download apps to help you do even more editing. For instance, you can download Crop for Free to crop images to your liking. Another application is iRetouch Lite which can help you do even more to your images. It is literally endless how many applications there are available to download to your iPhone to make editing your images a breeze.

Many new smartphones are enabled to do VoiceCommands; you can also do this with your iPhone 3GS if you have the Voice Control app. Voice commands eliminate the need to physically do anything with your smartphone which is great for many people. Your iPhone will be able to complete calls for you if you simply tell it to “Call Johnny” â€" it actually dials the phone and calls this person. If the background noise wherever you are is too loud, these types of commands tend to fail. Your iPhone 3GS will definitely work better, and give you more convenience, with the Voice Control app.

Of all of the smartphones that you can get, the iPhone 3GS has the most features at the lowest possible price. If you want the very latest technology, you’ll have to choose a higher priced phone, but the iPhone 3GS still has many appealing features and may be all that you need.

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