Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Total Vibration » Blog Archive » The iPhone 3GS Smart Phone -an Objective Review

Looking for a new smart phone? If so, you might love Apple’s new iPhone 3GS Smart Phone. In regard to smartphones, this particular model a few years ago was the best in its league. iPhone 4 is now the dominant smartphone, overshadowing this one. What is great about the release of the new iPhone is that it gives people a chance to try out the iPhone 3GS Smart Phone at a much lower cost.

If you are a reader, the iPhone 3GS smart phone offers you a fantastic way to read new books on your phone. The iBooks app is available cost free through the Apple App Store and when you buy it you gain instant access to more than two hundred thousand books. Many of these books are free, but even the ones you have to pay for are a lot cheaper than buying a hardcover or paperback. It’s also possible to download the Kindle app which gives you immediate access to the Kindle store on Amazon. That means that when you own an iPhone 3GS you won’t have to purchase an e-reader (Kindle or otherwise), because your phone serves that purpose. The primary drawback, of course, is the screen’s smaller size so if you really like to read e-books, you should still think about a Kindle or an iPad to serve this purpose.

Editing and sending photos is one of the top features on the iPhone 3GS Smart Phone. Taking and organizing photos has never been easier; simply categorize your photos by place, face, or event. The best thing about using a smartphone like this is that you can download apps to help you do even more editing. For instance, you can download Crop for Free to crop images to your liking. Another application is iRetouch Lite which can help you do even more to your images. There are many other photo and video apps as well, allowing you to edit and group the photos on your iPhone any way you want.

Many new smartphones are enabled to do VoiceCommands; you can also do this with your iPhone 3GS if you have the Voice Control app. Instead of having to type in everything on your smartphone, you can simply tell it what you want it to do. The iPhone is perfect for those that like to speak commands - just tell it what to do, such as call a family member or friend, and it will do it for you. Background noise will make this function not function properly, which is a drawback if you tend to be in noisy locations. Your iPhone 3GS will definitely work better, and give you more convenience, with the Voice Control app.

Of all of the smartphones that you can get, the iPhone 3GS has the most features at the lowest possible price. If you want the very latest technology, you’ll have to choose a higher priced phone, but the iPhone 3GS still has many appealing features and may be all that you need.

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  1. ^ railroad construction (railroadtrac.com)

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