Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free DSM-IV-TR Download Available Now For All! / Fear Conquers All?

Written by: scarsarestories on April 24, 2012.

Hi all,

Finally, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) in all of its NINE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE glorious pages, is once again available for fast and simple free download under the “Free DSM-IV-TR” tab at the top of the page.   Click here to go directly to the download page.  

My apologies that this bug was left unfixed for so long â€" though I love to play with  technology and web design, I can be a techie dunce.  Most recently, the octogenarian that my Aunt (and now I, for some indeterminate period of time) live with taught me how to use Skype.  No, I had never used it before!  If we go back a decade, when I was in Grade Twelve, I refused to spend $130 on a graphing calculator that would have shortened hours of homework to minutes based on three factors: 1) I went to a private school, in my case paid for by scholarships and bursaries for low income students (which were in such short order that I probably got most of, if not all bursary funds allocated for my class), but most students’ families paid upwards of $10,000/year in tuition.  For a graphing calculator not to be given to students by the educational institution was making millions of dollars off of them per year was absurd to my little pinko commie mind, 2) I thought that I would learn the theory behind the quadratic functions that this monstrous object (probably ten times the size of an iPhone!  ) would prevent one from learning why lines on a graph appeared as they did based on a certain equation, as you literally did not have to “do the math” if you typed said equation into Texas Instruments’  torture device for high-schoolers, and 3) The thing scared the crap out of me.

This last reason, as well as my automatic description of the calculator as a “torture device”, probably had greater influence upon my righteous action against the calculator, and at other times, other technology.  The prime example would have to be the juxtaposition of my great ethical reasons for not driving a car, and my fear of car accidents after being in a few bad ones, along with the fact that the second and final time I attempted to drive I ended up on someone’s front lawn when trying to master the art of driving around a cul-de-sac.  Dr. Phil would speak of making a pancake as flat as possible and two sides persisting to exist (doesn’t a flatter pancake have two much bigger sides, McGraw?  Never mind…   ); I’ll “talk even straighter”.  I know the latter, less environmentally-conscious/anti-Big Oil reasons play a greater role in my refusal to ever get behind the wheel.

As much as I would like my personal values to have a greater affect on my behaviour than fear and other irrationalities, when it all comes down to dust, I’m no more (wo)man than Orwell’s Winston Smith in 1984, whose fear of rats ends up defeating the values he has regarding his love for Julia or his anti-regime politics.  Are any of us?  On that rather depressing note, I think it’s time for a…

If you have some time on your hands…  :cekpms try to “diagnose” the inability to use one’s higher mind (the super-ego, responsible for values, ethics, etc.) to conquer one’s baser fears and/or desires (the id), using your free copy of the DSM-IV-TR !  I would love to read your diagnoses in the comments section, and will take them with just as much seriousness as one doled out by any “expert”. :wink:  Except for Dr. Phil, [1] that is â€" I’ll take your advice far more seriously than his on any topic.

Many Cheers,

scars :kisss




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