Sunday, July 10, 2011

iPhone 4 Launched into Space



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Today the space shuttle Atlantis lifted off for the last time, but its last mission is going to be remembered by Apple enthusiasts for something else as well. Captain Chris Ferguson and his crew are carrying with them two iPhone 4s. These iPhones run a special app called "SpaceLab for iOS [1] " especially designed for this occasion by Odyssey Space Research [2] , an engineering Houston-based company.

Through this app, astronauts are going to perform several experiments by taking advantage of the iPhone cameras, gyroscope and sensors. One of these experiments is actually quite interesting: it's a test to see if the iPhone's memory can be affected by space radiations."If a smartphone can be proved to work in space," says Chris Bridges, researcher for Odyssey Space Research, "it opens up lots of new technologies to a multitude of people and companies for space who usually can't afford it." (...)
Read the rest of iPhone 4 Launched into Space [3]

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  1. ^ SpaceLab for iOS (
  2. ^ Odyssey Space Research (
  3. ^ iPhone 4 Launched into Space (
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  5. ^ iPhone Download Blog (
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