Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Get All Your iPhone Apps for Free

I’m addicted to iPhone apps. I love downloading new ones, whether they’re games I’ve never played before or some new must-have feature to my phone that I quickly come to depend on. iTunes puts my current app count at 443, but I’m sure there are many more I downloaded directly to my phone but deleted before syncing with my computer.

To amass such a collection, I’ve spent surprisingly little. In fact, most of my apps I’ve gotten for free – even those that normally cost money). How? AppShopper [1] .

AppShopper is both a website and a free iPhone app [2] that tracks app prices over time. Whenever something on the App Store goes on sale or is offered for free, it’s posted on AppShopper. All the discerning consumer needs to do is look at a list and click/tap on anything that’s both interesting and currently free. Using this method, I’ve picked up more fun-looking games than I could possibly have time to play.

AppShopper also lets you create a “wish list” of apps you’d like to buy. If you use their iPhone app, you’ll automatically be alerted by push notification when one of your desired apps drops in price. And trust me, at some point, every app drops in price.

Thanks to programs like Free App a Day [3] , many high-quality, super-popular apps have found their way to my iPhone, completely free. Others, like the games that are usually $7.99, $9.99, or even $12.99 will drop to 99 cents several times a year.

So if you want to get free iPhone apps and you’re willing to wait until a pop-up on your phone tells you to buy, there’s no reason you can’t fill up your iPhone with great apps for absolutely nothing.

For more on iPhone apps, check out 10 Best Money Saving iPhone Apps and 3 Ways To Make Money With Your iPhone .

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  1. ^ AppShopper (appshopper.com)
  2. ^ free iPhone app (itunes.apple.com)
  3. ^ Free App a Day (www.freeappaday.com)

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