Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Free App an Excellent Epilepsy Resource

Whether you're one of the 2.2 million Americans living with epilepsy, or have friends or family affected by the neurological disorder, a new app serves as an excellent resource for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Called E-Action Info, this free App Store download provides medical info, media and an educational game -- all designed to teach about epilepsy in a clear, accessible manner.

For those living with epilepsy, the app covers management tips, a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, an interactive and color-coded 3D model of the brain (zoom and rotate to learn about all of its areas and functions), links to epilepsy associations and the option to start a journal, called MyEpilepsyDiary, to help keep an accurate account of when seizures happen.

Be aware, however, this diary feature links to a login page at epilepsy.com [1] opposed to an integrated diary located within the app. While this requires an Internet connection, at least the info is not located on the iOS device itself, which could be a privacy issue if lost, stolen or damaged. Users are encouraged to login with a password to track their seizures, medicines and progress -- all of which are accessible on a computer, smartphone, tablet or other device with a web browser. If desired, users can share this information with their physicians to optimize treatment, plus there's an option to request therapy reminders by email, text or smartphone notification.

E-Action Info was also designed for those close to someone living with epilepsy. For example, along with educational info and a video (Internet connection required), there's a section on the different kinds of seizures and a helpful First Aid resource for caregivers and the public (that is, what to do if you witness someone having a seizure).

While the app was funded by a pharmaceutical company (UCB Pharma SA), there is no mention of the company, its products or even links to its website.

E-Action Info is only available for iOS devices at this point.

Marc Saltzman, Special for USA TODAY3:04p.m. EDT April 9, 2013

  1. ^ epilepsy.com (epilepsy.com)

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