Monday, October 1, 2012

iPhone 5 Shortage Isn't Our Fault [REPORT]


When Apple sold “only” 5 million iPhone 5s in the first weekend, many suspected the reason the number wasn’t higher was simply a supply shortfall â€" which jibes with the reports about wait times for online orders being extended by weeks .

The chief suspect in why Apple didn’t have enough iPhone 5s ready was its display , which uses new technology to make it thinner than ever. The in-cell touch-panel tech is harder to produce, leading some analysts to believe Apple’s display suppliers â€" Sharp, LG and Japan Display â€" couldn’t keep up with demand.

Now it appears at least one of those suppliers is throwing some cold water on that theory. A Sharp executive told reporters on condition of anonymity that the company was producing “adequate volumes” of the iPhone 5′s display, Reuters reports [1] . Although Apple’s suppliers typically do not publicly acknowledge their relationship with Apple, teardowns of the device often reveal who they are.

SEE ALSO: Apple’s iPhone Sales Numbers Disappoint Investors

When deliveries on pre-orders of the iPhone 5 began to get pushed back several weeks, analysts such as Peter Misek [2] of the investment bank Jeffries suggested Apple’s new in-cell technology â€" which merges the LCD pixels and touch electrodes into one layer â€" was too difficult to reliably produce in high quantities.

Even if that’s not the case at Sharp, LG and Japan Display may not be as prepared, and another analyst, Yasuo Nakane of Deutsche Securities, says the other two likely produced the screens for the first round of iPhone 5s that Apple sold.

Have you ordered an iPhone 5? How long is your wait time? Let us know in the comments.

BONUS: A Tour of the iPhone 5

  1. ^ reports (
  2. ^ Peter Misek (

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