Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mitt Romney's iPhone app spells 'America' incorrectly | Apple

Have you heard the news? Mitt Romney wants to be the President of the United States of "Amercia."

The Republican nominee's campaign yesterday launched a free iPhone [1] app called "With Mitt," allowing users to snap photos and then superimpose one of 14 messages atop them for posting on social networks or e-mailing to friends.

There's just one problem: one of the messages that can be superimposed onto a photo promotes "A Better Amercia," rather than America.

As one might expect, the Twittersphere exploded last night with news of Romney's app misspelling America. As of this writing, "Amercia [2] " is still a trending topic in the U.S., giving the Romney campaign some attention, but perhaps not the type it's after.

According to the Washington Post, which spoke with the Romney campaign, it has submitted to Apple an update to fix the typo [3] , so if you want to snap some photos with hopes of finding a better "Amercia," act fast.

  1. ^ iPhone (
  2. ^ Amercia (
  3. ^ submitted to Apple an update to fix the typo (

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