Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Google Android Market reaches 400,000 active apps

MOBILE SOFTWARE HOUSE Google's Android Market has hit the 400,000 active apps mark.

The metric counts only active apps worldwide so it doesn't include apps that Google or the developers have removed. The data was published by Distimo, which compiles and analyses data about app stores.

The report also shows that the Android Market has more than 100,000 active publishers and reveals the split between free and paid for apps.

Google Android Market App Graph

Distimo said, "The main contributors to reach this milestone are free applications. Roughly, [two-thirds] of the available applications are free in Android Market."

The number of free apps has risen steadily and increased to 68 per cent at the end of 2011 compared to 60 per cent in April 2011. Distimo puts this rise down to the freemium business model that sees an app offered for free but further content, such as more levels of a game, requiring payment.

Apple's App Store for the Iphone reached the same milestone in less months, 22 compared to 31. However, the Android Market moved between 200,000 and 300,000 and onto 400,000 apps in less time that its rival. This will be partly down to the fact that Apple has strict rules and an approval process before it allows apps to reach the store. µ

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