Thursday, February 5, 2015

‘Tweetbot 2 for Yosemite’ officially unveiled, will be a free update when it launches - Redsn0w, Redsnow Jailbreak 7.1.2 - 8.0.2

Tapbots, the development firm behind popular Twitter application Tweetbot, announced on Wednesday the app will soon see an update for OS X Yosemite.

Turns out that was indeed the case, as the official reveal of “Tweetbot 2 for Yosemite” has finally arrived. In the tweet, which was sent out from the official Tweetbot account, the developer says that Tweetbot for Yosemite has been “more work than anticipated,” which would be a good reason as to why any kind of update for the popular Tweetbot for Mac has been slow to arrive.

Tapbots didn’t share a specific release date for the app’s update, simply saying: the update “has been more work than anticipated, but it is coming.”

Here's the tweet: 

While priced at a steep $19 [2] , Tweetbot has been among the go to Twitter applications. Twitter has been slow to add and support new features to its official Twitter application, so it’s up to third-party apps like Tweetbot to make it up to users.
F0r M0re UpDaTing: Be 0ne 0f My New F0ll0wers 0n Twitter [3] , 0ne 0f My New Fan 0n FaceB00k [4] , And Here Is The Feeds .  
  1. ^ application Tweetbot (
  2. ^ priced at a steep $19 (
  3. ^ Twitter (
  4. ^ FaceB00k (
  5. ^ Apple ('http)
  6. ^ mac ('http)
  7. ^ Tweetbot 2 ('http)
  8. ^ leave a response ('http)

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