Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Library Sciences at Johnston Heights: How To Video Project

In this assignment, you will practice making an informational video to help library patrons complete a task in the Learning Commons.


1. Work in groups of two or three.
2. Choose a topic to make your video about.

Examples: How to...
download and use FolletBryteWave (app that allows students to read books for free) on an iPhone
set up the Apple TV and connect it to a presentation on a phone or iPad
find the Homework Help Pages on the Surrey Schools website and use them for research
find books using the Johnston Heights online catalogue and locate them on the shelf
use an app of your choice on an iPad

3. Planning-become an expert on the "How To" you want to explain in your video. Do this by practicing, researching, experimenting, and discussing with your group.
Once you feel you are an expert:
a. draft a script (type or handwrite)
b. decide how you want to make your video and create a storyboard. You can d raw it or indicate it in writing in your script.
Some options available at school:
digital camera or HD camcorder or Android phone with mini SD card + Windows Movie Maker
iPhone or iPad + iMovie
download or use a screen recorder

4. Filming and Editing-you will have class time. Please let me know what you need so that I can set it aside for you. You will likely have to share computers and iPads.

5. Final Product to be uploaded to YouTube. DUE DATE JANUARY 19, 2015 end of class.

I will help you along the way.

Marking Criteria: Total 40 marks

Planning- script and storyboard: 10 marks for completion. I am looking for details and revisions.
Filming and Editing-use of class time appropriately, working as a team, asking for help when needed: 10 marks.
Final Product-20 marks as follows:
10 marks: information presented in clear, accurate, and easy for a secondary school student to understand
10 marks: images, words, and sounds work together to create a video that is engaging and informative

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