Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bitcasa says “access your files from anywhere” but their iPhone and Android apps barely work

One of the features bitcasa is proud to offer you is the ability to “access your files from anywhere”. Bitcasa markets itself as an online storage service. You pay them $10 to $99 a month to store 1 TB or 10 TB of data.

This is the “from anywhere” feature as shown on the bitcasa website [1] .

bitcasa access anywhere

That would be a great feature â€" if it actually worked on bitcasa. It doesn’t.

Here’s an article I wrote of all the features they won’t give you . Apparently, bitcasa’s definition of “everywhere” really means “nowhere.”

Bitcasa’s newest iPhone and Android apps were released since November 2014 and they generally don’t work. Both apps have serious problems, ranging from logging you out and not letting you access your data to only playing one song at a time instead of streaming a music playlist.

Worse, in bitcasa’s forums they advise none of the old apps work with their “new backend”. They forced all bitcasa customers to “migrate” their data to the “new backend” by November 21 or have such data deleted.

They only gave customers, even those that have been with them for years, less than 25 days to download and backup all their data or have it erased.

Please let that sink in. Now consider bitcasa won’t let you cancel your account .

A company paid $10 to $99 a month to backup data gave customers days to download all their stuff or have all their stuff deleted. Whatever you couldn’t download in a mere 23 days they erased.

Then they removed their 5 TB plan and raised the price of their other plans. So the customers that were paying $99 a year were forced to start paying $99 a month. That’s for having less storage space too.

Here’s some links to the tip of the iceberg of their various forums about iPhone and Android apps. Below are screenshots of those forums. Please click the screenshots to take a closer look.

bitcasa iPhone app forum [2]

bitcasa forums ios

bitcasa Android app forum [3]

bitcasa forums android

While there are dozens of online storage services that do okay, three of my favorites are Google Drive [4]  (15 GB free), Spideroak [5]  (2 GB free), or Dropbox [6]  (2 GB free). Try any of their free accounts for a week. They all work great.

Whatever you do, don’t pay bitcasa. They’ll take your money, keep promising “updates are coming”, then prevent you from canceling your account.

Explore posts in the same categories: service review , shouting to the void

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  1. ^ bitcasa website (
  2. ^ bitcasa iPhone app forum (
  3. ^ bitcasa Android app forum (
  4. ^ Google Drive (
  5. ^ Spideroak (
  6. ^ Dropbox (

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