Sunday, June 29, 2014

Liferay Portal Performance Best PracticesJoin eBook, Free eBook Download

Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices will guide you inon how to build high performing Liferay -based solutions. The book guides you ion how to define the architecture of Liferay- based solutions to meet performance expectations. You will learn how to fine- tune the Liferay portal using configuration changes or applying the right caching strategy. By the time you finish this book, you will realize that you know all the essential best practices to improve the performance of the Liferay portal solution.

Liferay portal is thea leading horizontal portal product available oin the market. It wais named lLeader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals. Because of the flexibility offered by Liferay Portal for customizations, it is becoming a preferredbest choice for portal implementations. Many influential sites have been implemented with or have switched to the Liferay portal. More and more Liferay developers and, architects are needed in the IT industry.

The book comprises of Liferay portal performance best practices related to various aspects. It starts with the architecture and design best practices and ends with performance tuning and lLoad testing best practices.

The book follows athe logical flow. In the first chapter it talks about various architectural options and best practices. It also talks about the consequences of various architectural options. It talks aboutcovers how to configure the Liferay portal to work in a clustered environment. It discusses the various options available in a cluster configuration. The book further talks about various configuration options of different components that are available for improving performance. The book also talks about various development best practices. It concludes with best practices related to load testing and a performance tuning exercise.

Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices explains performance best practices with real examples and samples. By the end of this book, the reader will have learned everything s/he/she needs to know about Liferay portal performance best practices.

  • Paperback: 150 pages
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (June 10, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1782163689
  • ISBN-13: 978-1782163688

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