“Okay Apple, you’ve held out long enough,” Chris Neiger writes for The Motley Fool. “But now it’s time to introduce a larger iPhone.”

“The move to bigger smartphones is no longer just a passing trend, though the term ‘phablet’ hopefully is. According to IHS, shipments of phones larger than 4.5 inches were expected to hit 431 million by the end of 2013, up from 99 million in 2012,” Neiger writes. “As reported by Barrons, Brian Marshall from ISI Group recently released an investor note saying there could be a “massive” upgrade cycle for current iPhone users when Apple releases two new rumored iPhone sizes, a 4.7-inch and a 5.5-inch. But he’s not the only one projecting a larger iPhone. The Wall Street Journal has said that two bigger iPhones, with screens larger than 4.5 inches and bigger than 5 inches, will be released in the second half of the year.”

“Adding two bigger screen sizes would certainly drum up increased interest among current iPhone users and could even lure some Android users away. Either way it’s a win for the company,” Neiger writes. “Apple can tap into the larger screen size trend, keep current users happy, and hopefully increase its growth in a saturated market.”

Read more in the full article here [1] .

MacDailyNews Take:

MacDailyNews iPhone screen size poll

Source: MacDailyNews

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