Sunday, March 16, 2014

Listen to unlimited music for free with Tuner for YouTube

Tuner for YouTube Music 2I’m a big fan of streaming music on YouTube. It is an easy way to find songs, audio books, and all manner of media that isn’t as easy to find for free anywhere else. Without needing a subscription, you can stream full albums from popular artists. Without commercials, you can create playlists of your favorite songs. Without paying for it, you can listen to audio books in their entirety.

Tuner for YouTube Music is a simplified app that lets you stream whatever you want from YouTube without the video getting in the way… [1]


I should mention that you can’t download tracks for offline listening. Tuner needs Wi-Fi or cellular data to work. This app is very similar to Musi , but with some differences that make it significant enough to get its own review. One major difference is the design. Tuner has a darker theme with a blurred background.

The first screen you see when you open the app is the Suggested section. Tuner offers a couple dozen suggested playlists that are already ready for you to listen to. Tap on Pink, Imagine Dragons, or Eminem to listen to a pre-made playlist of songs from the artists that are available on YouTube.

The Playlist section features music you have searched for and saved from YouTube. It will be empty at first. You’ll be in charge of creating your own playlists.

The Search section is where you go to add songs. Tap the search bar and enter the name of an artist, song, or album you want to listen to. When the list of YouTube videos featuring your search pops up, you can add it to an existing playlist or create a new one.

The playback window features the volume controls on top and the video’s featured image in a circle in the upper center of the screen. The Share icon is on the left side of the album artwork and the Replay/Shuffle controls are on the right. The length of the track sits right below the album artwork and the playback controls are dead center on the screen. Below that, the name of the artist, song, or title of the YouTube video, as well as the name of the YouTube user that uploaded the video is displayed.

At the bottom of the screen, you can tap the settings icon to clear cached images. This makes the app run better by deleting unnecessary data. Tap the plus (+) icon to add the current song to a playlist. Tap the menu icon to access the above-mentioned Suggested/Playlist/Search sections.

Tuner for YouTube Music 1App Use

To stream a pre-made streaming playlist under the Suggested section, simply tap on a featured artist. The playlist will begin and songs will play automatically. While songs are playing, you can add them to a new playlist that you create by tapping the plus (+) icon at the bottom of the screen. If you haven’t already, enter a new playlist by tapping the “New Playlist” tab that appears when you add the song. Enter the name of your new playlist and tap “Add Playlist.” The song will automatically be added.

To create your own new playlist, you will first have to find a song. Go to the Search section and enter the name of a song, artist, or audio book. A list of options will appear. For example, when I typed in “The Four Pennies,” a list of YouTube videos appeared that included songs by the band. When you find a clip that you would like to listen to, tap it. A window will pop up that will let you play the track or add it to a playlist. Tap the latter to add it to your playlist. If you don’t already have one relating to the track, tap “New Playlist” and create a new one. If you already have a playlist related to the track, it will be listed in the window. Tap the corresponding playlist to add the YouTube video to it.

When you are ready, go to your Playlist section to stream the music. As soon as you tap a playlist, the first song will begin automatically.  All subsequent songs will play automatically, as well. You can edit the order of playlists by tapping “Edit” in the upper right corner of the screen. To change the order of tracks in a given playlist, you must first tap Edit from the main playlist window. If you tap the specific playlist first, it will begin playing the tracks.

To rearrange tracks, tap Edit in the main Playlist section and then tap a specific playlist. To move tracks, hold down the right side until you see it hover. Then, drag it to a new location. Delete tracks by tapping the red button on the left side.

Tuner for YouTube Music 3The Good

The user interface of this app is very smooth. To start making a playlist, all you need to do is search for and select a song. You don’t have to add music first and then create playlists after.

I love the app’s theme. It looks great.

The Bad

When you search for a song, you can’t view it before adding it. Most YouTube videos have long names, so it is difficult to tell if you are seeing the correct video. I’d like to be able to select the track to see a full screen version of it so I will know if I want to play it or add it to a playlist.

There is no way to log into your YouTube account to listen to music you already subscribe to. I’d love to be able to stream playlists that I already have in my YouTube account.


Tuner for YouTube Music is free [2] . There are no advertisements to get in the way. Everything is accessible without an additional in-app purchase. The summary claims that the app is only free for a limited time. It has been free since it launched two weeks ago. So, grab it before the sale reaches its limit.


Anyone who streams music on YouTube will love being able to take the music mobile. Remember: you can’t download tracks for offline listening. Tuner needs Wi-Fi or cellular data to work. If you don’t have access to YouTube on your computer at work, but you do have Wi-Fi, create a playlist and rock out to hours and hours of tunes for free. Download it in the App Store today [3] .

Related Apps

Musi is very similar, but has a different design and interface. Check out our list of apps for downloading YouTube videos .

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