Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Free Neuroradiology Cases iphone and ipad medical app review

Post image for Free Neuroradiology Cases adds another option to radiology learning apps

By PJ Lally MD

It is exciting when medical apps stop suffering from lack of supply.

There are still many areas of medicine, obstetrics for instance, that could be better covered.

Radiology, however, is starting to have a large number of high quality medical apps to choose from.

If you split the field into categories, there are DIACOM apps, journal apps, and then a growing body of radiology learning apps. Among the radiology learning apps there are enough now that you can almost pick subcategories (see PediatricXR, surgical radiology, radiology 2.0 One Night in the ED , and RealWorld orthopaedics ).

Neuroradiology offers a well made introduction to its field. You can pick from one of three categories including Brain, Head and Neck, and Spine. In each category there are over ten cases ranging from pineoblastoma to schwannoma.

Free Neurorad Cases 1

The design for each case is cut and dry but with enough well placed information to be very helpful. Each case image can be seen under multiple contrasts including flair, T1W1 Post, T2W1, etc. to better view pathology. There is also a separate screen with highlighted findings and a brief overview of diagnosis, differential, overview, and treatment basics.

Free Neurorad Cases 3

The challenge to the medical app is its user interface. For example, the images do not have a zoom function, the category photos look almost cut and pasted rather than nicely laid out, and the initial screen can be somewhat difficult to navigate.

Free Neurorad Cases 4 Free Neurorad Cases 5

Evidence to support use

  • None mentioned, although it is essentially an introductory application and the authors are available for comment via email.



  • I actually appreciate the no nonsense approach to review. The images are only slices which could upset some but the various views as noted above combined with the almost bullet point discussion of findings, diagnosis, differential, and discussion is enough for me.
  • Remember, this is essentially a set of flashcards for review.


  • The app serves its purpose well. It offers a case based approach with slice views of pathology.
  • It could benefit from naming it sources and cleaning up the user interface including adding a zoom function.

Healthcare providers that would benefit from the app

  • Residents, students, and mid-levels working in the field of neuroradiology.


  • Free ­Neuroradiology Cases is a simple and effective introduction to neuroradiology findings.
  • The cases are not discussed in depth and the images are screenshots rather than scrollable items but that seems to be the point.
  • The app focuses on a large number of highly useful cases.
  • It is a perfect introduction for a new resident or student on rotation who wants to become familiar with neuroradiology in a quick, high yield, and effective manner. I would start here.
  • As of publish, there is no Android version available.

Type of Device used to review app Version of App: iPhone 5

iTunes Link

Rating: 4 Stars

  1. User Interface: 2 stars- easy to follow but clunky
  2. Multimedia usage: 3 stars- no flaws but not earth shattering
  3. Price: 5 stars- can’t beat free
  4. Real world applicability: 4 stars- relatively superficial in depth yet comprehensive review of important neuroradiology findings

This post does not establish, nor is it intended to establish, a patient physician relationship with anyone. It does not substitute for professional advice, and does not substitute for an in-person evaluation with your healthcare provider. It does not provide the definitive statement on the subject addressed. Before using these apps please consult with your own physician or healthcare provider.

  1. ^ iTunes Link (itunes.apple.com)

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