Sunday, March 16, 2014

Download Asphaleia New Cydia Jailbreak Tweak | iPhone Apps & Tips | iOS News | Android Tutorials

A new stylish cydia jailbreak tweak Asphaleia has been released and now available to download on Cydia Store. Asphaleia, which is a3tweaks’ response to other releases like BioLockdown, AppLocker and BioProtect puts an smartly developed spin on Touch ID security.

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You can use this tweak on any iOS device running iOS 7, however, not just the Touch ID enabled iPhone 5s. Asphaleia jailbreak tweak brings a lot of new and latest security features to both the other iOS 7 enabled devices and iPhone 5s. You’ll happy to know if you have purchased any of the above mentioned security tweaks in the past then you can get this tweak with 50% discount.

Callum Ryan (Asphaleia developer) and Sentry (designer) put a lot of work into making Asphaleia. As I mentioned in my complete review, I’m a bit ripped between it and Ryan Petrich’s BioLockdown. That’s awesome company to keep, though, and the fact that Asphaleia comes at a discount for customers of similar jailbreak tweaks makes the purchase decision a pretty obvious yes.

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Be sure to read our full detailed review of this tweak for complex information about how it works and sound off with your thoughts about the release in the comments section below. Asphaleia is available on Cydia just for $1.99, who haven’t purchased any of the competing tweaks as of yet, and only $0.99 for those who have.

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