Monday, March 17, 2014

Apple could be launching 8GB iPhone 5c tomorrow

iPhone 5c

A new report has revealed that Apple will launch an 8GB version of  iPhone 5c tomorrow. The source has confirmed that the smartphone will be launched at least in the UK tomorrow, which means that the Cupertino giant could be looking to launch the smartphone globally as well.

It is believed that stocks are already making their way to stores and that the smartphone could be available for purchase starting tomorrow, which is good news if you’re looking to pick up an iPhone 5c. Prior to this, it was only available in 16 and 32GB variants, so this new model will probably help Apple gain some marketshare in the midrange segment.

It will be interesting to see how much the 8GB iPhone 5c will cost. If Apple offers it for free with a 2-year contract or $450 for the unlock version, then it would bring it on par with iPhone 4S.

The company revealed during its quarterly earnings call that the handset hadn’t been meeting expectations, which has probably prompted this move from Apple. Interestingly, this is the first time since the iPhone 4s that Apple will launch an 8GB iPhone, so it’s quite a significant move from Apple. This new model could be focused towards developing markets where the demand for midrange devices is pretty high.

We’ve always maintained that iPhone 5c was $100 too expensive, so 8GB iPhone 5c for free with 2-year contract or $450 for the unlocked version would make a lot of sense. Apple could discontinue iPhone 4s or offer the unlocked version for $350.

Will you pick one of these up if and when it becomes available?

[via Cool Smartphone [1] , Thanks Alvin for the tip!]

  1. ^ Cool Smartphone (

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