Thursday, September 12, 2013

Must have iPhone Apps for Moms

By now, I’m sure you all know that I think very highly of my iPhone. Last week I shared some Cool iPhone Apps For Kids that I absolutely love and approve of my kids playing with on occasion. While our kids are important and all, what about us? We need a break too sometimes, or something to help us stay organized, edit photos, track health and fitness, and once in a while, some mindless entertainment. There are thousands of apps available for free and to purchase, and these are at the top of my list on my phone. [1]

Instagram & A Beautiful Mess, Free/ $0.99 
I love taking photos with my iPhone, and fellow contributor Erin would agree that Taking Great Photos with your Smartphone [2]  is the way to go. I always use the camera app that comes standard on my phone, since it takes really great photos but my favorite app for sharing them is definitely Instagram [3] . You can customize photos, and now videos, with several different filter effects and share them with your friends and family right from the app, post to Facebook, Twitter or even email the finished product. If you wanted to get even more creative, you could use another favorite of mine, A Beautiful Mess [4]  to decorate the photos with text or doodles before uploading to Instagram.  Don’t forget you can follow EVMB on Instagram [5] -just look for us under eastvalleymomsblog!

Cozi Family Organizer, Free

Have you ever made plans with your friends only to find out your husband has also made plans with his friends on the same day? This was a frequent problem in my house until I found Cozi Family Organizer [6] . A calendar, shopping and to-do lists are just a few of the great features this app has to offer. Each family member can download the app and since it is shared everyone uses the same log in. You can add or edit appointments and grocery lists and everyone in the family can see it! I still love to have my calendar hanging on the wall, but this is a sure way that I know my husband will see my appointments and weekend plans. Now, if it’s not entered in the app? It’s not happening! Calorie Tracker, $2.99

Looking to shed weight? Track what you are eating or track your daily exercise? I have downloaded several health and fitness apps over the past few years and while My Fitness Pal used to be my favorite, â€" Calorie Tracker has taken over the #1 spot on my iPhone. I love the ease of being able to track my water intake each day and keep my food journal up-to-date right on my phone. It’s always fun to get little daily reminders to help keep me on track too. While I usually don’t like to spend money on apps, keeping a food and water journal is important to me so spending the $2.99 to get this app didn’t bother me. [7] [8]

Lift, Free

My most recent app find is this amazing little personal trainer called Lift [9] . Several of us use sticker charts for our kids to keep them doing their chores and developing habits, right? So, how about a sticker chart for your iPhone? For YOU to maintain consistency and help keep accountability for activities you might often ignore. You can add habits like brushing your teeth or set reminders to stop and enjoy life for a few minutes. I have been using this app for a couple of weeks and I’ve already noticed more of a consistency with things such as flossing my teeth and reading more. I like having to “check-in” and jot down a little note each time I complete a goal I’ve set and it’s always fun getting “props” from other users when you have marked something off for the day.
Those are the top five apps on my list. Of course I love the Notes app that comes standard on the phone, Facebook [10] , Nike+ Running [11]  to track my runs and set challenges with friends,Pandora [12] , and of course ESPN Fantasy Football [13]  to watch the scoreboard each week to see how I’m doing in the East Valley Moms Blog Fantasy Football League. What are YOURfavorite apps to stay organized and take a break from mommyhood?

  1. ^ Cool iPhone Apps For Kids (
  2. ^ Taking Great Photos with your Smartphone (
  3. ^ Instagram (
  4. ^ A Beautiful Mess (
  5. ^ Instagram (
  6. ^ Cozi Family Organizer (
  7. ^ My Fitness Pal (
  8. ^ â€" Calorie Tracker (
  9. ^ Lift (
  10. ^ Facebook (
  11. ^ Nike+ Running (
  12. ^ Pandora (
  13. ^ ESPN Fantasy Football (

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