Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Download the Unniverse App for iPhone or iPad

Uniiverse App

Have you ever checked out Uniiverse [1] ? It is a great marketplace for local events and services, especially for us here in Toronto but it is not just a local marketplace but a global one as well that just launched its new iphone app. When you use the app you can find wonderful events close to you, see what friends are doing, find freelancers, and even buy tickets directly from your phone.

Event organizers and freelance service providers like me can use the app to create listings to sell tickets, manage bookings, and process payments.

Want to know the best thing about the app it is free!

Since Uniiverse is a Toronto-based company, there is a huge selection of listings on Uniiverse in Toronto, including many awesome food events, film festivals, networking events, craft workshops, fitness activities, and services such as affordable house cleaning, and dog walking.

So what will you be looking for on the app? To download this app just visit it the Itunes store


  1. ^ Uniiverse (www.uniiverse.com)

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