Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Congratulations iPhone users you are finally using Android with this new iOS7 software

Do I really have to talk about the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c thing?? I really don’t think I have to since it’s the same thing Apple did with the transition from iPhone 4 (s) to the 5 series of their beloved smart phones, same phone, different colors, new useless fingerprint recognition , and a new software that you can use it on the regular iPhone5 , so yeah that is all you get but with more expensive phone, so if you want to buy it , go ahead, we can’t stop you , but for God’s sake think before you pay your parents money on it.. (Because Hard Working Adults don’t pay 600 dollars on a phone that does absolutely nothing special than any other 100 dollars phone out there)

So iOS7 , well , unfortunately I am an iPhone 5 user, but fortunately I didn’t pay for it , it was a gift that I couldn’t return to get those cool new Samsung smart phones, but it’s OK I’m trying to live with it, even though it doesn’t have anything special but it’s a free phone so I am not going to complain.. Apple announced that they are releasing their new iOS7 software , and they made a big deal out of it, so i thought, yeah , why not , everyone is going to be talking about it anyways , so why not download and install that new software..

iPhone is known for not having enough space to start with , so whatever you have on your phone that is dear to you unfortunately must be deleted before installing the new iOS7 , yeah it needs more than 3GBs space to be installed, why?? I still have no idea until this very minute, and that is not all, it literally took more than 3 hours to download and install on my device, of course after a few error messages and redoing the whole thing again the almighty iPhone is all new now.. or that’s what i thought, the phone rebooted one more time, and again with new settings I started to enter all the information that I forgot most of , so forget my password was my first best friend feature using the iOS7 , thank God the geniuses at Apple did not forget that one.. The phone is ready to use, after I deleted all of the previous apps to have enough space for it, so I was hoping it was really worth it.

First thing I noticed as a 30 year old male that the new design of the iOS7 is suitable for a phone that a 7 year old girl uses , seriously I was surprised that I didn’t get any Hello Kitty icons with it.. Whoever did the new design for the software should be killed fired immediately … I thought , it’s ok , lets not panic , I can change that ugly background they used with my old background, oh guess what , you can’t do that , well you can use it , but the scale option that worked with the previous software doesn’t work anymore , so basically you will get a large ugly wallpaper that you don’t want to use on your phone… That was the first thing that pissed me off..

So what is really new with this software other than the ugly design??

iOS7 new features:

A notification center , what is that you ask?? well remember the the menu you drag from the top of your Android screen to read all the notifications you received , like SMS , missed calls , Whatsapp messages … etc?? well yeah it’s the same but Apple called it notification center because that name is so cool and you will not notice that Android did that a long long time ago… NEXT..

Multitasking , do you know what that is?? remember the task manager on Android phones?? the place where you can see all your active applications , close what you don’t want to use and select what you want to use now? well it’s the same thing, yes it was in the previous iOS software as well, but this time it’s different folks, instead of closing the app by tapping the small (X) sign next to the active app, you swipe the app upwards and let it disappear, it is like magic y’all… what a disappointment.. at least with the last task manager you could close all the apps quickly , now you have to look like an idiot swiping them out of the screen.. because we all have the time for that…

Camera , again, remember all the filters you get with the Android camera?? to give different effects to the photos you take , well Apple got them now , and they’re promoting it as if it’s an invention they came up with.. well again Apple, as if you enjoy disappointing your loyal customers… so lets forget about that and go to the next one..

Photos , so what is Apple trying to take credit for this time with photos?? oh, they made categories for the photos?? great because the old software put them all in one place, now you can put your photos in Albums.. I saw that before!! can anyone remind me where?? OH YEAH , ANDROID phones,  why do I use iPhone again??? right it was a free gift, what a wonderful gift..

Airdrop , sounds fancy, what is that ?? well remember back in the late 90′s and early 2000′s we used to send stuff to each other via infrared and bluetooth , basically it’s the same thing but faster (or so they say) , it is bluetooth for iPhone users y’all , you can make yourself visible to other people around you that use iOS7 and you can bother people that you don’t know with things they don’t really need to see, so what you send via lets say Whatsapp , you can send via Airdrop…. OK you want me to say it?? Android had it as well, but they didn’t change the name to look cool , they named it bluetooth , because that is exactly what it is…

The Useless Menu , I call it that because I don’t know what the flashy name Apple gave it.. It’s something you discover by chance when you use your phone, it’s a menu that comes from the bottom of the screen and it has , wait for it , the same things the menu you get when you swipe from the top of the screen using Android… you can turn your wifi on and off, change the orientation, and I have to give Apple that new thing they added, a button to turn your flash light on … Seriously?? flash light? you are promoting a button that can turn your flash light on? I don’t want to talk about the hundreds of free apps that can do that, that is your idea right? that it comes with the phone, no download needed.. well they sell NOKIA phones that cost $10 dollars that can do the same exact thing..

I really don’t want to talk about the Dynamic Wallpapers (that Android had years ago) , I don’t want to talk about the applications that stopped working after using this new iOS7 thing, and lets not forget that if you don’t buy your charger from Apple for a gazillion dollars the other one that worked before doesn’t work now.. so yeah enjoy all the chargers you bought for the car and office … maybe you can give them to your cat or dog to chew on…

Basically what I am trying to say here, Congratulations Apple Users , you are now using Android on your elegant iPhones and iPads that you love so much, and you are using the fake Android as well because it is not fair to compare the awesome Android system with this useless iOS7 that you were all excited to use..


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