Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Tools for those who Speak in public

Screen shot 2012-10-29 at 11.12.28 AM

I usually speak in front of large audiences sixty to seventy times a year. I often get asked what tools I use to create my presentations. Here are five that I commonly use:

TOOL 1 Although I am becoming less and less a fan of projecting content onto a screen when I present, there is a tool I use for those situations where I have no choice. Prezi [1] is my choice everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. People remember experiences, not slides. Prezi allows you to engage your audience with a dynamic, multi-dimensional story they won’t forget. It makes the PC Powerpoint feel like an eight track tape. (For those of you too young to know what an eight track is, it is the predecessor to cassette tapes.) Ya, exactly. It’s old.

TOOL 2 When I run my keynote presentations, an absolute must-have tool for me is my own “clicker”. The Keyspan Remote [2] is my choice for one simple reason. It has range. Recently I spoke to in the General Motors building to 2,000 young leaders. My computer plugged in to the main control in the back of the room and I easily advanced slides from the stage, some 500 feet away. Control. Range. Battery life. That’s why I’m sold on it.

TOOL 3 Keepvid [3] . If I want to download a video for use in a presentation, Keepvid is the software that allows me to grab it off Youtube in an instant. Although most video I use in presentations is original, occasionally I will use a Youtube clip to enhance my message. Keepvid allows me to do it fast and FREE!

TOOL 4 My iPhone 5. Specifically the Evernote [4] Applicaiton. I simply build my presentation outline in Evernote and have it on the table when I present. In most cases, I will not refer to my notes, but in the event I want to make sure I am clear on a point, I grab my iPhone just like I would grab a sheet of paper. The reason I like this better than notes is simple. There is nothing that looks more unprofessional than “chicken scratch” on a sheet of paper. The iPhone is professional. Enough said.

TOOL 5 Xmind software [5] . I am officially addicted to this software. Organize and create frameworks for all your ideas, projects and presentations. There are several mind mapping softwares on the market. Xmind is easy and it’s FREE!

These are just a few of the common ones I use on a consistent basis. What tools do you use?

  1. ^ Prezi (
  2. ^ Keyspan Remote (
  3. ^ Keepvid (
  4. ^ Evernote (
  5. ^ Xmind software (

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