Sunday, June 30, 2013

More useful educational tools | DOGgone it!

*= Normal book

**=ebook, ibook (a free book app for iphone and you can buy/download on itunes) or kindle

***app for iphone


***Perfect Dog â€" (Free) You can look up the different breeds of dogs and get information about them.

***Dog sounds and body language â€" (free)uses sounds and picture to understand a dog’s language.

*”Catch that Collie” by Tarrin P. Lupo (Mostly for young ones but also has good tips for first time owners â€" also available for kindle and ibook-free)

**”100 Dog Training tips” by Stella Green

**”The Inside Scoop on DOG BREEDS” Joseph Bell

**”Dog Behavior: Understanding Dog Body Language” by Sophie Miller

**”Understanding Dog Language-50 Points” by Aude Yvanes

About Girl loves dogs

I love dogs, and speaking my mind. I will share my thought about dogs based on my experiences and beliefs.
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