Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Latest Release Drives Readers through Purchasing Funnel « Adobe Digital Publishing

The newest features in Adobe Digital Publishing Suite enable publishers and organizations to drive readership, consumer purchase, and customer loyalty.  Available today [1] , the latest features of DPS are designed to entice readers toward purchase by allowing them to view publications on a website, sample free articles within an issue, and have optimized reading experiences on iPhone 5 and Android.


Embed Publications within Websites

Web View of Adobe Inspire Digital Magazine

Many of our customers use the social sharing feature in Digital Publishing Suite. Once an article has been shared to a social network such as Facebook or Twitter from within the DPS app, readers can experience DPS articles in a web view (through what is officially known as Content Viewer for Web). Social sharing has proven valuable in helping our publishing and corporate partners reach a wider online audience and ultimately drive digital uptake of content. If you have not yet experienced the social sharing web view, view a video of social sharing [2] that we released last year.

We have now taken this one step further. Publishers and brands can introduce new readers to your mobile publication by embedding it into your website.  The highly designed mobile reading experience can be replicated online in the context of your branded website, taking advantage of web traffic to generate awareness of high value mobile content.  In order to drive purchase of mobile content showcased on your site, you can designate specific articles as free, set up metered paywalls, and even create a web-only folio with articles designed specifically for online viewers. Watch Colin Fleming’s video, Embed Publications within Web Sites [3] .


Free Article Preview on iPad

Readers can choose to preview an article

Publishers can set up a paywall after readers view several articles

Last release, we launched the “First Folio Free” feature . Publishers use this feature to give first-time readers immediate access to the most recent issue, allowing them to “try before they buy” and enticing them to make subsequent in-app purchases of additional issues or a subscription.

Free Article Preview on iPad gives publishers more options to convert browsers into buyers. Instead of offering an entire free folio, you can pique readers’ interest with selected free articles and encourage them to purchase the folio by displaying teasers or upsell prompts for additional premium content. Watch Colin Fleming’s video on Free Article Preview [4] to see the full experience, as well as how to set it up paywalls associated with the free articles.


iPhone 5 Support

iPhone 5 with 4” Rendition

The iPhone 5 provides more real estate for publishers to deliver an improved reading experience.  That extra space provides easier navigation within the app and full screen video without letter boxing. Content built for iPhone 4S and below will still appear as letterboxed on the iPhone 5.


PDF Content on Android

Reduce authoring costs and improve the reader experience with new support for PDF content on Android devices. By building PDF content for Android and iOS devices, publishers can reduce authoring costs and folio file sizes, and therefore download times. Not only can readers access content sooner, but they can also scale content using pinch and zoom. During the design and preview stages of development, publishers can now view PDF content on Content Viewer for Desktop.

Watch Colin Fleming’s video, PDF Content on Android [5] .


Updates to Analytics

Web Viewer Analytics in Site Catalyst

Web Viewer Analytics: As the web viewer becomes more integral to the DPS experience, analytics are following suit. Analytics for web viewer is available with a Site Catalyst account so that publishers can understand how many readers are viewing content via web viewer, which content is the most popular, and how often each type of overlay was started.

Track Preview: In order to understand the impact of Free Article Preview, Site Catalyst in DPS allows publishers to find out how many readers are previewing content, which articles are most frequently previewed, and the number of purchase conversions driven by free articles.

Completed Article Analytics: Which articles hold readers’ attention until the end? Now, DPS Site Catalyst customers can find out how many readers read a full article. In addition, publishers can find out if readers are using the Table of Contents to discover articles and move around the issue.

For a complete listing of all Site Catalyst data available in DPS, read the Adobe® SiteCatalyst Digital Publishing Report Guide [6]

This blog post only scratches the surface on the latest features available in Digital Publishing Suite. View more detailed information on the following DPS sites:

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