Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Best iPhon Apps to Diagnose Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a big issue all over the world. The number of people diagnosed with skin cancer has only continued to increase in the last years. One of the main reasons why skin cancer is so fatal is because most people don’t catch it until it’s reached the later stages of development. Those who catch skin cancer early on have an increased chance of survival and can generally overcome it with the right treatment. The good news is that technology can help you catch skin cancer in the early stages. There are few great iPhone apps that let you diagnose all shorts of skin anomalies.

The following is a list of the best iPhone apps to diagnose skin cancer:

skin-cancer-detect-iphoneSkinVision â€" A free iPhone app that can detect skin cancer from just few pictures of your body.
Price: Free
Download: iTunes [1]

This is a unique app that will actually check your mole for cancerous cells for you! It does this by taking a picture of your mole and then analyzing it. When this app is analyzing your mole it will be looking for different skin patterns, abnormalities and for signs of cancer. In the case it does find that your mole has signs of cancer, it can also help you find a doctor nearby.

find-skin-cancer-iphoneSkin of Mine App â€" Another free iPhone app that tracks your skin.
Price: Free
Download: iTunes [2]

If you have something on your skin that is bothering, you can upload it to this app so it can analyze it. You can upload everything from a skin tag to redness that won’t go away so that you can get an idea of what is going on. After this you will be able to schedule a virtual visit with a skin care expert within a day. They will be able to diagnose your skin problem so you can find out from an expert what you need to do to improve it.

This app is free to download, but if you want to get a consultation you will have to pay $50 on average. It’s also important to keep in mind that not all experts available for consults are doctors, so you have to make sure you choose a doctor if you want to get a prescription.

check-moles-iphoneSpotCheck App â€" With SpotCheck iPhone app board-certified dermatologists will scan your moles within 24 hours.
Price: Free
Download: iTunes [3]

This is a very unique app that is free to download and free to use after that. After you have this app downloaded, you can upload any photo of your moles that are bothering you. Once you take the picture you will be able to zero in on the mole so that it’s clear what it looks like. After this you will be able to leave the picture available for dermatologists to look at.

The community of dermatologists that provide their services to this app do so during their spare time. This means you may not get information about your mole back for a few days. Generally most people find out whether or not their mole should be seen by a doctor within 24 hours. If you’re unsure about a mole and want to find out if it’s worrisome, then this is a great app to download. It can even give you a list of nearby doctors to help you out.

Whether you have a rash or a mole that you’re not sure about, seeing a professional is essential. Fortunately, in the meantime, these apps can give you a lot of information.

About the Author:

With years of experience in the healthcare field, Maxine contributes regularly to http://behealthy24.com [4] to help readers find out more information about their skin and health.

  1. ^ iTunes (itunes.apple.com)
  2. ^ iTunes (itunes.apple.com)
  3. ^ iTunes (itunes.apple.com)
  4. ^ http://behealthy24.com (behealthy24.com)

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