Friday, October 5, 2012

Perry Marshall - Facebook Firestorm Training (2 Vols) Free Downloads

The Facebook marketing landscape is about to evolve more in the next 6 months than in the previous 6 years.

Here's how to cash in.

Dear Marketing Professional,

George Thorogood sings in Move It On Over: ?Move over nice dog, mean old dog is moving in.?

Just the other day I was at a comedy club with my 13 year old son, and the comedian made a joke about ?some dweeb with an AOL account.? He leaned over and said, ?Dad, what?s AOL??

Comcast ravaged AOL. Google destroyed AltaVista and a dozen other ?search engines.? Yahoo and MSN are reeling like drunken sailors.

Nokia is a shadow of its former self, bloodied and battered by iPhone and Droid.

Facebook buried MySpace in the Dust. And Libya finally got Gaddafi?s boot off his neck.

Time flies. And I?m here to tell you: Like old regimes being swept away, the incessantly bubbly, ?I wish they would just shut up? socialites are about to be swept out by calculated planners and strategists and who understand the reality of social media.

Facebook is growing up. It?s not just for chatty socialites anymore.

If you wanna make money?

Geeks, engineers and analytical types have the edge.

All those talking heads were just gathering herds for YOU and ME to sell to. You?re about to take full advantage of it.

Like a snake slithering out of its old outdated skin, Facebook is moving forward in ways that make old techniques obsolete and ?easy money? a thing of the past.

Personally? I don?t think Facebook ever was ?just for liking stuff? and chatting with your fans. But even if it was? those days are gone, amigo.

The Facebook today is way different.

The Facebook of today is the most incredible treasure trove of demographic and psychographic information the world has ever seen.

By the way?

Psychographics is a term used by the geeky/savvy online marketers that dominated Google Adwords, Google?s Display Network, and now are peeling off the biggest slices of traffic from Facebook and changing the game forever.

This is what separates the big online winners from the whiners.

When a typical marketer loses money on a new campaign they leave with their tail between their legs.

They go in search of ?easy money? and often never find it.

When a smart marketer? a savvy or even geeky marketer? loses money on a campaign they don?t give up.

They know something the average guy doesn?t?

A losing campaign is really just buying data.

And if you know what to do with data you can make a LOT of money.

And Facebook is the ultimate ?mind meld? for peeking into the habits and trends in your market? the psychographics.


But what if you?re NOT a geek?

What if you?re not quite sure what ?psychographics? are about?

Normally I?d say you?d be in trouble. The walking dead.

But you?re reading this and I?ve got a trick up my sleeve.

You see, we?ve made the ?geeky stuff? more accessible for everyone because we?ve come out with a new software tool that automates what we used to do with spreadsheets.

Facebook?s tools are crude and clunky.

So we built our own high octane software.

Facebook?s management is only minimally concerned with advertisers and they?re frankly more interested in overthrowing regimes in the Middle East than helping you get customers.

But buried underneath the duct tape and bailing wire of Facebook sleeps a powerful wellspring of customer and prospect information that a savvy direct marketer would die for.

Our tool pulls that information out.

We call this new Facebook tool: Fanalytix?

Here?s what it does:

When you get fans ? aka ?likes? on Facebook ? you have the opportunity to tap into a rich collection of information about your prospects and customers.

What that means is that you potentially could improve ALL of your marketing? not just your Facebook campaigns.


?If you know how to get at the information?

?and if you are patient enough to sift and sort manually to get at the good stuff?

?and if you know what to do with that information?

Facebook data can lead you to new veins of gold you never would have found otherwise. Powerful stuff.

But here?s the problem: Before now the only way to get that data was to painstakingly page through your fans one at a time. Which means that even if you were told step by step exactly what to do ? chances are that you probably wouldn?t do it.

And if you don?t have access to the psychographics of your market? then you?ll be slugging it out with everyone else on a level playing field.

I don?t like fair fights

So we built a tool that makes the game completely unfair? for us.

Fanalytix? turns Facebook into a Direct Marketer?s dream. Makes it far easier to advertise. You can collect huge amounts of information and pinpoint what it means quickly and easily.

Fanalytix? works with our Handshake? tool to make a Facebook opt-in simple and easy ? twice as easy as a Google opt-in or regular squeeze page.

It will immediately spike your opt-ins and sales by 5-15%, even if you never buy a single click from Facebook.

That?s because your existing customers have biases and passions you?d never notice or discover without Facebook?s data. Before today you couldn?t get at the data quickly. But Fanalytix? makes it child?s play.

And now for the first time ever you can get your hands on Fanalytix? by joining our re-engineered and updated Facebook Firestorm training course.

Introducing The First Step-By-Step Facebook Marketing Course So Simple That A Complete Beginner Can Learn ? Yet Powerful Enough To Generate Leads, Sales And ROI.

Buy Premium Account For Faster And Resume Download



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