Sunday, August 5, 2012

The duel of the Nike FuelBands

To further our quest for health, fitness, and, let’s face it â€" wedding photos we’ll be very happy about â€" Todd and I got Nike FuelBands [1] today.

Nike FuelBand + iPhone app

He won his as a Klout [2] perk, and so I of course, just had to have one as well.

They’re really cool…you wear them around your wrist and they track your overall activity (Fuel), calories burned (based on your own height and weight), number of steps taken, and distance walked/run during â€" all during that 24 hour period (automatically resets at midnight).

You can set a daily goal as well as a bigger goal. We each set a Fuel goal of 3K/day and we’re already thinking of upping it to the highest of 5K/day. Since we got them after our workouts this morning we’ll take a few days to ascertain where we should be.

My 16-week goal is to burn 264,000 calories by the end of November â€" my last chance to have my wedding dress altered. ;)

You  can download a free iPhone app and it will sync to both that and your own Nike+ website. It’s really cool to be able to have all this stuff available at a glance no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Nike FuelBand software + website

Todd and I already competing to see who can burn the most Fuel/calories, take the most steps, etc. We’re literally “fighting” over who can do the next load of laundry or take the dogs out, LOL. :) Hey, it all adds up â€" and that’s the point of these…they really make you acutely aware of just how active â€" or not â€" you are.

So, we are thinking this is going to up our game and make it that much more fun!

  1. ^ Nike FuelBands (
  2. ^ Klout (

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