Friday, June 1, 2012

City of Opelika launches APP for iPhones, Androids and iPads - WLTZ 38


For those folks who are continually "on the go" with little time to go to a computer to pull up websites, the City of Opelika wants YOU to know that we've added another means of communication to the public with convenience for you in mind!  We now have a "City of Opelika" APP which you can download for FREE to your iPhone, Android phone or iPad! 

Getting the APP is simple.  Simply go to the "APP Store" for your device and type in "City of Opelika."  The city's APP should pull right up.  It is FREE to download!


What you will find on the City's APP pages:


About the City â€" gives you a very brief overview of the City of Opelika, which is similar to the information found on the "front page" of the city's website.

News â€" This is general "upcoming news" and "news happenings" which will help folks keep up with information about the city.  Typical news items will be things like:  when city offices will be closed; upcoming events like our recently held "Memorial Day Services"; and holiday service dates.


Calendar of Events â€" will give you dates on city sponsored events, and information about that event which will be helpful to the public.


Alerts â€" Alerts are similar to "push notifications" but will not "beep" you during the day.  Instead, this section will have a "New!" icon that appears whenever new information has been published.


iReport â€" In this section you will be given the opportunity to send us an e-mail if you notice something "amiss" as you're out and about in the community.  A good example of using this section would be if you noticed a traffic light not working, or a pothole in the road.  Please note, though:  Requests entered "after hours" won't be received by City staff until the next regular business work day.  Service requests will be responded to as soon as possible.  You WILL be required to include your name and phone number or email address.


Secret Witness Hotline â€" We know it's not always easy to report crime.  Some folks are afraid to give their names for fear of retribution, and others simply don't want to give their names for a number of other reasons.  Whatever your reasons, the Opelika Police Department wants you to know you can remain anonymous! And, through this App you can call the Secret Witness Phone number (334) 745-8665 â€" or you can send an anonymous email to .


Photos â€" Although this page isn't complete â€" yet! â€" it will (hopefully) capture the essence of all that the City of Opelika is!

Contact us Section â€" This section will give the public a quick and easy access to the phone numbers for the various departments and divisions within the city of Opelika.  Please note:  We have listed the phone numbers for the Opelika Police Department and the Opelika Fire Department, but these are non-emergency numbers!   If you are in an emergency situation do not HESITATE to call 9-1-1!


The City of Opelika app was developed with the local assistance of Eric Halverson and the team at OCV, LLC., which develops iPhone, Android and iPad apps for organizations around the country.  OCV has been developing communication technologies for non-profits, religious organizations, and corporations for the past 5 years and has earned an extraordinary reputation for excellence in development and customer service. Live Video Streaming (concerts, meetings, worship services, etc...), Mobile apps (municipalities, schools, and local businesses), Media libraries as well as Facebook fan page customizations are just a few of the services that they provide. You can learn more about this great company by visiting [1] ."


            In the meantime, we hope you will take the time to download the City of Opelika APP for yourself and check us out!  And once you have had this App for a while, please give us your feedback on how you like it â€" and how you think we can improve it for public use!  Just contact Jan Gunter at (334) 705-5136 or by email at . 

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