Friday, June 1, 2012

Best iPhone Apps for Hiding Photos

Ok well there are always going to be pics that you’d like to keep separate from loved ones or just your mates who wouldn’t hesitate humiliating you on facebook or worse…

Fortunately there are a few Apple apps which can help you protect the pics you want while duping others into thinking they’ve cracked your password where after a few attempts you feed any potential hacker some dummy pics.

Most of these apps are free, take your pick!

Picture Safe [1]

Price: $1.99

On the forum this app gets a lot of recommendations, but now the you have to pay $1.99 users feel that for a paid app it should have more features.

Still ,with Picture Safe you still get multiple folders which you can arrange but unless the app has released an updated version you can’t as yet sort the pics in each folder.

What’s pretty crafty with this app is that you can set the “snoop stopper” so that when a mate or girlfriend are playing around with your pics, when they try and enter a particular file a password box will pop up.

If whoever’s snooping has a few attempts, it’ll pretend they’ve accessed the file and your pre-arranged dummy pics will show â€" thinking they’ve succeeded. One way to keep potential peekers out.

Also,  a double tap, depending on which setting you have will also initiate some dummy pics to appear in the dummy folder.


Lock Folder Free [2]

Price: Free

Likewith your iPhone password, your pass is also encrypted with this free app.

You get to store pics, video’s and accounts which are backed up on the iCloud. It also contains many additional features like for when you just leave your iPhone on and shoot off to make a cup of tea.

Auto-lock will kick in protecting it from any opportunists.

The interface is straight forward where you have your account settings, privacy photo, video folder, privacy settings and a help section.

Nothing mind boggling â€" just a simple set-up.

Reviews are solid and but there are a few recommendations by users which are listed on the apps reviews section.

Oh â€" there’s also the in-app upgrade which gives you extra storage. Right now with the free version you get a maximum of 5 accounts, 30 photos and 4 videos to upload and store securely.


My Secret Folder [3]

Price: $0.99

This is another devious little app that lets you prey on the rotters who are trying to view your private life on your iPhone.

With this particular app when someone tries to unlock your iPhone it takes a photo of the person doing so and not just that, emails the photo to your email account!

This is incredibly useful to some extent if it’s stolen as not only do you get a picture of the those who done it, but your GPS, which is hopefully in range will track where it is.

Even if you don’t retrieve your precious iPhone, having this knowledge is also useful for insurance purposes.

What’s good about this very cheap app is that it doesn’t inform whoever’s snooping that you do in fact have a secret folder.

If someone does try to access your iPhone, your secret folder also forwards you a complete breakdown of what went on.

This includes a photo, location, the code they tried to attempt to break in with and when it happened â€" so if it’s someone you know you have them completely collared!

You get badge alerts when this happens plus other features which include normal and decoy modes, plus you can import and export photos with no restrictions.



  1. ^ Picture Safe (
  2. ^ Lock Folder Free (
  3. ^ My Secret Folder (

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