Wednesday, May 30, 2012

iPhone App Downloads Dropped Again In April, As Apple’s Bot Crackdown Continues

Tech firms are always making news â€" thankfully for me personally since this is a tech website. Who’re we checking out today? It’s iPhone!

“This data comes fromthe measurements known as the Fiksu App Store Competitive Index,whichtracks theaverage aggregate daily download volume of the top 200 free U.S. iPhone apps, and the Cost per Loyal User Index, which tracks the ever-changing cost to attract loyal users to an app”, says in their article â€" iPhone App Downloads Dropped Again In April, As Apple’s Bot Crackdown Continues [1] .

iPhone’s also been brought up by “Over the weekend, software allowing users to jailbreak version 5.1.1 of the Apple Inc. iPhone operating system, Absinthe 2.0, was released into the wild through the Website GreenPois0n by the ChronicDev, with nearly 1 million devices jailbroken since the jailbreak, which supports firmware 5.1.1 only, hit the Web” â€" iPhone iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak a Big Hit, but Causing Some Problems [2] [3]

More observations on iPhone: “According to the Fiksu App Store Competitive Index, app downloads from America’s top 200 free iPhone app providers, have declined almost 5% from March through April”-
“If you’re “With Mitt,” the Romney campaign’s new iPhone app will let you share your support for the Republican presidential hopeful with all of your social networks”- [4] [5]

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