Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Eight Things an Android mobile phone is able to do that the iPhone cannot!

The debate among Android and iPhone has become as worn out and boring as the eternal debate between Windows and OSX. Even so, as enthusiastic Android enthusiasts we thought we might assemble an extensive list on 8 items that an Android phone is capable of doing that an iPhone cannot.

1. Openness: The Android operating system is open source and maintained by Google. This provides software developers as well as smartphone makers total freedom to modify and customize the source as they would like. This enables them to build amazing, ground breaking new applications. There is no limit to what a developer or smartphone company is capable of with Android.

2. Tight Integration With Google Applications: While we simply cannot refute that Google’s scatter gun technique of building web applications and services leaves all of us dazed and confused, there are many invaluable tools at our disposal such as Transliteration, Google Books, Google Scribe, Walky Talky and the ever geeky Sky Map. One app that will almost certainly never get to the iPhone is the Google Maps Navigation. All these apps are free and work flawlessly on virtually any Android mobile phone.

3.Customized For You By You: With your iPhone you’ll have virtually any display setup you’d like so long as it is organized with a 4 column grid. Doesn’t sound consumer friendly. Android lets you tailor ones experience with widgets and organize the dashboard as you wish. Widgets can have a number of apps and expand when you select.

4. Power Saving: Android possesses the best power saving options in the smartphone market place built right in to the device. There’s no need to install additional applications, the system maximizes battery life in the background.

5. Connectivity: Compared to the iPhone you’re not dependent on your iTunes profile and can plug and use on any kind of computer. This openness makes an Android smartphone or tablet the final word in usefulness.

6. Kill Switch: In the click of a button, Google can deliver a signal to all the Android phones to kill all rogue apps. This keeps your phone secure constantly and you will rest assured knowing that Google is on your side.

7. Adobe Flash Player: Apple Inc. is anti-Flash, we know that. Nevertheless, what about the millions of individuals that have to be inconvenienced as a result of Apple Inc’s whims? Android won’t put any constraints around the sort of media you can view.

8. Security: Android is an open source platform. This implies that there are thousands of programmers analyzing the program code constantly. When you use the strength of the crowd like this, security flaws are unearthed and fixed fast. Also, Android can update itself auto-magically without the need to be wired to iTunes.

These are just Eight things which we believe an Android smartphone can perform that an iPhone can’t. How many other ways are you aware of that makes the Android phone superior?

Before investing in an iPhone or Android gadget have a look at the numerous Android tablet reviews [1] to make sure you are getting the ideal device for your requirements. Android tablet [2] and smartphones are rising in popularity and the capabilities built into the OS continues to progress at a rapid pace.

  1. ^ Android tablet reviews (
  2. ^ Android tablet (

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