Friday, May 11, 2012

Apple’s iPhone 5 maps app technology previewed by C3

This week Apple has been tipped to be releasing a non-Google maps iteration on their iPhone 5 once the device has been prepared for a third-quarter announcement, this mapping technology bringing “next-level” realness and fabulous technological breakthroughs galore. What you’re about to see is a hands-on video from NetBookNews [1] which shows off the technology that has been created by C3 Technologies, a company that Apple purchased back in 2011. What we can expect from Apple in the very near future is a set of mapping apps that utilize the technology you see in this video without hesitation and on a giant scale.

Apple’s next-generation mapping technology should of course take whatever they had with Google Maps and move it on up to a whole new world. To take from their devices Google Maps, the predominant free-based mapping environment in the world today, Apple would have to replace it with something spectacular. To do this, Apple has almost certainly to amplify their effort up to 11, and the company C3 Technologies (again, shown below) is just the group to make that happen.

What we’ll likely be seeing inside 2012 is a set of maps just like what you’re seeing above including 360 views, near live updates, and news bits and tips popping up for you wherever you do so move. This may also be the dawn of turn-by-turn directions for iOS, an feature long dominated by Google for Android and held high above Apple’s head like an piece of fruit in front of a horse. Apple has very likely broken that stick and will soon be holding the fruit in front of Google if the above video is any indication. Stay tuned for more this summer!

  1. ^ NetBookNews (

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