Tuesday, April 10, 2012

» 11 Simple And Amazing Instagram Alternatives [Download NOW] The Technology Cafe – Social Media, Technology News, Gadget and Gaming Reviews and Viral Videos

The news of Facebook buying up Instagram is making headlines today and if you are one of those who is looking to shift to another app, we have rounded up 9 alternatives to Instagram that allow you to photograph, filter, and share your favorite things.



Pinweel [1] is a free iPhone app that lets you snap photos, apply filters and share albums with a select group of friends making group sharing is easy and private on this well-designed mobile interface.


Pinweel Photo-Sharing App Screenshot



Picplz [2] , a very similar creature offers tagging, locations and integration with Twitter and Facebook. Picplz was seen as the weapon of choice for Android users who were not able to use Instagram until recently. It has 15 editing tools and the usual filters for retro and artistic looks.


plzrecut Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



Vignette [3] is another filtering photo app that many Android users turned to. Known for updating frequently but providing a lot of adjustable options.  The paid version naturally offers more choices.


vignette Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



Pixlr-o-matic [4] by Autodesk, brings heavy weight design to a light sharing application. Naturally given it’s origin, the granularity of filter options is extraordinary. According to the app description on Google Play there’s “2,000,000 possible finishes to make your photos look spectacular”.


pixlrmatic Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



Hipstamatic [5] is so close to Instagram that they share a network. So when you take a photo on Hipstamatic, you can choose to push it to Instagram. The new deal with Facebook makes this sibling relationship a lot more interesting.


hipstamatic Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



PicYou [6] as you might expect, provides capture, filter and sharing options too. Interestingly since things have started to move around Instagram, PicYou has said that it has seen an influx of new users [7] .


iPhone Screenshot 1



Molome [8] is another alternative for Android users, it was originally only available for the Symbian platform at Nokia’s Ovi Store [9] , with its developers seemingly going against the grain of their peers. Now, however, it has been launched on Android [10] too.


molome Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



Lightbox [11] is free on Android and does the things you would expect, filtering, framing and is social. Users can share on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Foursquare as well as using a Lightbox account to look at their images on the Web.


lightbox Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices



Streamzoo [12] is an app with more of a focus on fun. There are borders and filters available and users can choose whether to add their photos to existing social networks or share them with friends and family on Streamzoo only.




EyeEm [13] does all of the things you are now familiar with in this list, but it has an interesting system of categorization. Adding tags means that images can be grouped on a theme or even around an event.


eyeem Instagram Alternatives: 8 Great Choices


And if you don’t want to shift to any network then checkout how to Save Your Photos When Deleting Your Instagram Account : All The Tools You Need .


Leave us your comments…

  1. ^ Pinweel (www.pinweel.com)
  2. ^ Picplz (picplz.com)
  3. ^ Vignette (play.google.com)
  4. ^ Pixlr-o-matic (play.google.com)
  5. ^ Hipstamatic (hipstamatic.com)
  6. ^ PicYou (itunes.apple.com)
  7. ^ an influx of new users (thenextweb.com)
  8. ^ Molome (thenextweb.com)
  9. ^ Ovi Store (store.ovi.com)
  10. ^ Android (market.android.com)
  11. ^ Lightbox (thenextweb.com)
  12. ^ Streamzoo (play.google.com)
  13. ^ EyeEm (thenextweb.com)

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