Tuesday, March 27, 2012

where can i get android apps to download into my pc?

Question by : where can i get android apps to download into my pc?
i’m planning to download android apps into my pc and install it to my android device. so does it good? and where can i get it?

Best answer:

Answer by Lion’s Roar.
Download android applications by searching on google with an extension .apk and then copy paste that .apk file to your mobile which is connected to your pc via data cable

Check this useful blog:
Android Applications: Views, their sizes & download links.
It has following sections:
1-Multiple applications
4-Applications need WIFI to be install & certainly huge memory
5-Few useful websites
6-Don’t download applications from the following links
7-newer version Download links are given



Twitter: @SyedArbabAhmed



Karachi, Pakistan

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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