Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PLCB Launches iPhone App - Norristown, PA Patch

According to Philly.com, [1] the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board [2] has launched and free iPhone app that will make it easier to find your favorite wines and liquors.

Users can search the location of their nearest Wine and Spirits Store, see the wine list and other products on sale, order wine for home delivery, or find the closest store to buy a favorite bottle.

“The app, called Fine Wine & Good Spirits, gives users four buttons to choose from on a home page. One click, and you can shop for wines, view pictures, and read descriptions, and register to have bottles sent to your home. Another click, and the app locates the LCB store nearest you,” reports Philly.com.

A Droid app will be available in a few weeks.

Read more about the new iPhone app here [3] .

  1. ^ Philly.com, (www.philly.com)
  2. ^ Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (www.finewineandgoodspirits.com)
  3. ^ here (articles.philly.com)

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