Thursday, January 5, 2012

Domino?s Blipps It To Promote New 555 Deal

5th January 2012 Cat: Uncategorized with

Domino’s Blipps It T Promote Nw 555 Deal

Domino’s Blipps It T Promote Nw 555 Deal

(PRWEB UK) 4 January 2012

Domino’s Pizza, th pizza delivery expert, h launched a nw six-sheet poster campaign wth Blippar t bring t latest 555 pizza deal t life.

Over 6,000 sites r th country now sport Domino’s poster, whh uses th Blippar app t rt n augmented reality experience. Users n download deals fr thr nearest Domino’s store, t th Domino’s mobile ordering app, become a Facebook fan n view thr local menu, b looking t Domino’s poster through a smartphone. Th different features f th six sheets ‘jump’ ff th page whn viewed through th Blippar app.

T non-Blippar users, th poster simply shows Domino’s current 555 deal, whh offers n three (r more) 9½” pizzas fr t £5.55 each.

Nick Dutch, multimedia manager t Domino’s, : “W’re always looking fr innovative nw ways t engage wth r customers using th latest technology. Th exciting nw campaign wth Blippar provides wth a rt opportunity nt n t communicate a pizza deal, bt t engage wth users b offering thm information specific t thr local store n thr features t fr mobile users. Wth sites up n down th country, w’re looking forward t pizza lovers blipping t whr th live t t more frm r posters.”

Download th Blippar app free t Fr further details n Domino’s, visit

Notes t Editors:

Domino’s Pizza UK & IRL plc th leading player n th ft-growing pizza delivery market n holds th exclusive master franchise t wn, operate n franchise Domino’s Pizza stores n th UK n th Republic f Ireland. Th first UK store opened n Luton n 1985 n th first Irish store opened n 1991. In April 2011, th Group qr a majority stake n th exclusive master franchise t wn, operate n franchise Domino’s Pizza stores n Germany.

A t 25 September 2011, thr wr 702 stores n th UK, Republic f Ireland n Germany. Of th, 553 stores r n England, 47 r n Scotland, 28 r n Wales, 19 r n Northern Ireland, one n th Isle f Man, one a mobile unit, 49 r n th Republic f Ireland n four r n Germany.

Founded n 1960, Domino’s Pizza one f th world’s leading pizza delivery brands. Through t primarily franchised system, Domino’s Pizza operates a global network f more thn 9,350 Domino’s Pizza stores n 70 international markets. Domino’s Pizza h a singular focus â€" th home delivery f pizza, freshly m t order wth high quality ingredients.

Customers n th UK n order online t n customers n th Republic f Ireland n order online t In addition, mobile customers n order b downloading Domino’s free iPhone, iPad n Android apps.

Fr more information, please contact:

Th Domino’s Pizza Press Office

Domino’s Pizza Group Ltd

Tel: 01908 580654

E: pr(t)dominos(dot)co(dot)uk

Ref: DPGL/CM/580


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