Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All for F1, and F1 for All

Today we are pleased to welcome into the world, F1Minute for the iPad. Coming just over a month after the release of F1Minute for the iPhone, this update brings you Formula 1 news in tablet form too.

F1Minute for iPad has been designed to work however you choose to hold it, adjusting content to fit in all device orientations. In landscape view, a two pane layout displays recent news and story content, while in portrait mode posts fill the whole screen with navigation is tucked away behind a menu. Additionally, just like with the iPhone app, you can listen to the latest news or read it at your own pace.

The F1Minute app is available on the App Store [1] now.

F1Minute available on the App Store

If you've already purchased the F1Minute app, this upgrade comes free. Anyone who owns both an iPhone/iPod touch and an iPad gets double the value at no extra charge.

The iPhone app also sees a few tweaks for this release. We received plenty of feedback during the past month and one of the most requested additions, was support for rotation. We've added exactly that in this release, and just like the iPad version you can now read your news in both portrait and landscape view.

If you've not bought this app yet, we'd love you to give it a try. We're tracking download numbers and feedback in order to gauge the usefulness and interest in these things. Both Android and Windows 7 equivalents are also in the pipeline, although those are entirely dependant on when we can afford to purchase devices suitable for testing. There already seems to be more than enough interest, we just have to make sure development is affordable.

More updates are planned for iPhone/iPads apps too, so please do keep those feature requests or criticisms coming.

  1. ^ available on the App Store (itunes.apple.com)

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